Sunday, July 14, 2024

Republicans have been fucking around for years, this weekend they almost found out

The attempted assassin is a white male registered Republican, who got his rifle from his white male Republican father, and attended a Republican rally dressed in clothing from a hard right gun nut YouTube channel and yet the Republicans are trying very hard to make this somehow Biden's fault.  (And no, this kid did not donate to ActBlue despite the number of times rightwing propagandists are going to lie and say he did).  Once again President Biden is being President of all Americans, while Republicans threaten violence and plan to usurp the legitimate government, overthrow the United States of America, and create a NeoConfederate Theocratic Dictatorship.  And apparently IOKIYAR holds even for Presidential assassination attempts as Republicans try to blame Joe Biden for the culture of violence and threats they've created.

The Nice Polite Republicans at (NPR) spent all Sunday doing what all Republican loving Corporate Media do these days; Calling for BothSides to "Tamp Down the Rhetoric", which is a call for Democrats and liberals to stop accurately reporting what the Republicans have done, are doing, and plan to do in the future.  Corporate Media always calls on Democrats to Self-Censor and allow Republicans to say whatever they want.

Back during the Trump regime, the Corporate Media had 4 story ideas that they crafted into news:
  1. Both Sides do it (but Democrats are worse)
  2. Democrats in Disarray
  3. Today, Trump, truly became President
  4. What do Trump voters think
Yesterday, we got to see 3 of the 4 in glorious display as giddy and gleeful journalists and newsrooms rushed to cover this and put Trump into the role of strong leader.  And as the Corporate Media have spent the last month shivving Joe Biden over his age, it appears the Media are ready to run with the 4 stories again.  Especially, the strength angle and let's not kid ourselves here, Trump looked like a badass and his years of acting prepared him to seize that moment and look like a big brave badass, defiant in the face of death.

Of course, the wrinkle for Corporate Media is Republicans, including multiple elected officials, have enjoyed dabbling in violent rhetoric and threats against Democrats and the Left for the last few decades, it went into high gear after Republicans flubbed everything before 9/11 and subjected the Nation to the Warcrimes  of Iraq and Afghanistan GWoT, went into overdrive when President Barack dared to be elected (twice) and accelerated past the speed of light when Traitor Trump offered them the Freedom to unchain their Monstrous Id's and give them free reign.

2 months later "jokes" about
assassinating JFK are still okay
Republicans have been engaged in threats of violence, murder and assassination (as Bob Cesca listed here) for so long now the Corporate Media kind of accepts it’s just a part of their political language and so it's a nothing story, and gets no attention.  Trump shared a video of a quintessential MAGA truck with the image of President Biden trussed up in the bed of a pick-up.  This was nothing more than blip in the Corporate media coverage.

Understand the Corporate media loves Trumps "showmanship" so much so they are consciously burying the evidence against him.  After this Assassination attempt they'll be no reason to go back to the Epstein Files document dump.  

Now, I'm not engaging in any False Flag"BlueAnon" bullshit here.  This young white male registered Republican, who loved conservative gun nut Youtube, actually tried to kill Trump, that wasn't kayfabe.  But... what we've seen is Republicans still feel comfortable fucking around right now, calling for violence, threatening the real President of the United States, and not giving a damn about what they have already found out.  

A terrible time is coming...  Major Traitor Greene is threatening a Civil War and not "tamping down the rhetoric"(because those Media calls are for Democrats only remember) and lots of Republicans think they're going to have a gay olde time rounding up migrants and trans people and shipping them off to death camps.  They don't think anyone is going to push back, I think they are going to find out.

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