Friday, July 5, 2024

King of the Pedophiles, Best Friend of Jeffrey Epstein Donald J. Trump rapist child fucker and choice for President of the New York Times

Children Fuckers

The only person Trump has spent more time in bed with than children is Vlad Putin.

The 2008 Epstein documents were unsealed and Donald Trump is named over and over and over as a child fucking pedophile.

And you know who isn’t covering this at all?  The Corporate Fucking Media.  Do a google search and you find no Media stories from July about Epstein documents.  None whatsoever.

Can’t anger King Trump after all.  Instead on the 4th of July, the New York Fvcking Times featured prominently an Op-Ed by Matthew Walther, a seditionist Catholic child raping traitor who advised people not to Vote, while falsely claiming he doesn't vote.

Except of course he does.  Instead what Hitler-esque rightwing grifter Matthew Walther wants is for you not to vote.  Walther, a prudish anti-Human catholic fascist equates Voting to the Civic Duty of rounding up slaves.  Walther is against voting because he knows when Americans don't vote Republicans win.  And Republicans hate America and want a Trumpian Dictatorship.

The Media is in full-court press mode to oust President Joe Biden to bring about the Fascist Trump Regime.

Karma police, arrest this grifter
His Hitler hairdo is making me ill

Corporate Media leaders loathe Joe Biden and yearn to force him out.  So, of course they won't cover the revelation of Trump's child sex escapades.  The same way the fact he was found liable in a Court of Law for Rape is no longer covered by the Media, or his findings of guilt and culpability are no longer covered by the Media.  Because the Corporate Media wants Trump to be President.  But, we don't have to accept the Corporate Media crap.  They want Fascist Trump Lite Dictatorship and Project 2025 Agenda because of the STORIES it will generate but, we still have to chance to vote against him.  Don't expect these revelations of Trump the child molester to sway a single Republican or change the minds of any conservative.  Conservatives love Trump for him granting them the ability to be their absolute worse selves.  And if he's a pedophile well they don't care they same way they don't care about any Republican being a chickenhawk, being a stolen valor coward, being a criminal. 

IOKIYAR covers all sins and absolves all crimes.

Organize and vote against all Republicans at every level.  President Biden isn't stepping aside, despite the efforts of the Corporate Media, Donald J Child Fucker Trump, the Red-Brown Alliance of American Leftists, so vote for him in 2024 as well.  Remember his progressive accomplishments, you're also voting for his cabinet, and understand you're probably also voting to replace Treasonous Criminal Clarence Thomas and maybe Sammy Di Puzzi Alito as well.

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