Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Joe Biden's Legacy, handing the mantle to Kamala Harris, and the Future of the Nation

 If anyone (in the upper levels of Government) knows heartbreak and the unfairness of life it's Joe Biden.  Much of his political career has been built upon the his personal tragedies and tribulations.

President Joe Biden can look back on 4 years of success and having saved the Nation in 2020.  From defeating Trump in the election, to battling Covid, withdrawing from Afghanistan, the Infrastructure bill, student debt reduction, the price of Insulin, the re-rise of Labor and Unions, a diverse Executive Branch, the re-establishment of NATO and allies across the World to present a combined front against the Rebirth of Authoritarianism.  But, no matter how great any one person is Time wins in the end.  Even all-time greats, usually hailed with the pointedly misapplied label of "Immortals" in sports eventually have to retire.  Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, Wayne Gretzky...

Look Republicans lie about everything.  We can't stop them.  We can be livid that the Corporate Media doesn't hold them to account but, that's because the Corporate Media serves the same Plutocratic Masters the Republicans do.  The Rich and their Media mouthpieces want another Trump Presidency because of what he offers them.  It's an unfair system which elevates a piece of shit Traitor and lifelong criminal like Trump to prominence.  But, the rightwing attacks on Joe Biden about his age, just received a massive piece of corroborating evidence, during the debate.  We ignore the way Joe came off to everyday Americans at our and our Nation's peril.

Joe Biden was right to ignore Social Media trolls in 2020 and he's been right to hold the Corporate Media in contempt for how they cover politics as mouthpieces for Corporate Interests and the Rich.  But, the Corporate Media wants to claim a skin and will not stop writing the Doddering Old Joe Biden stories.  If we don't interrupt that narrative, if the Biden Team can't counteract it before the Convention, pants-shitting vile Traitor Trump won't have to do anything to coast to victory.

There's no point in looking back and saying, 'Oh Joe should have announced he was a one-term President' at some point.  It didn't happen.  We have to look forward as the Democratic Convention is set to arrive in Chicago in a few weeks.

Kamala Harris has to be the Democratic nominee for President in 2024.  For the Good of the Nation Joe Biden has to recognize, that no matter how utterly unfair the situation is, he must step aside and pass the torch to Kamala Harris.

And yes I know the Corporate Media will slag the fuck out of Harris, and on-line bigots (Left and Right) will smear her with just abhorrent racist and misogynist slanders.  But, Harris has to be able to deal with it.  Kamala has to pick a good candidate for Vice-President and We, the People have to elect them.

If we don't then rightwing State-Sanctioned Violence is coming.  Not immediately.  Stephen Miller spoke of the "Staging Grounds" as euphemism for modern day concentration camps.  But, Trump will have Joe and Hunter Biden arrested and imprisioned awaiting trial.  Warrants will be issued for Hillary Clinton, a bunch of false documents about President Obama will be circulated because the Rightwing Media will know these won't unduly alarm most Americans who will shrug and say well if they did crimes then arrest them.  FBI agents who dared testify against Trump and his criminal cabal will be forced to retire and those who dared to show open contempt for Trump will be arrested, and again Americans will shrug and say well we know there's corruption in law enforcement.  And the fascist temperature will ratchet up another notch as "Illegals" will be arrested en masse, and Vice Raids will be conducted for Gay Bars and Transpeople whom any good Faux News listener knows are grooming children.  Chaya Raichik will head the new Task Force to deprogram LGBTQ.  

I could go on but, what's important is staving off this potential Fascist Future which the Heritage Foundation calls the Second American Revolution, but it going to take the bold decision to move on past Joe Biden, a man who has served his country and suffered numerous personal tragedies and unfair setbacks.  It's time for Kamala Harris to step up and for the Democratic Party to unite.

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