Sunday, March 10, 2024

Republicans hate America 22 : Tradwife Katie Britt breathy lies

 You can tell how much Republicans hate you by how easily they lie to you.  It's despicable and shameless and designed with one goal in mind place their rightwing drones into a constant state of Fear & Anger.

Katie Britt started off her State of the Union response by claiming Senator isn't here job,

My name is Katie Britt, and I have the honor of serving the people of the great state of Alabama in the United States Senate.  However, that’s not the job that matters most.  I’m a proud wife and mom of two school-aged kids.

Love that Joker!
So... one of the most powerful people in the United States Government and therefore the world claims not to be a politician.  I've mentioned before that every Republican runs as an "Outsider" like Wisconsin Drunk Van Orden claims on his campaign website. It's so fucking trite and insulting and the Corporate Media lets them get away with it constantly. Trump claimed to love the title of "Outsider" in a Feb 2024 interview with Maria Bartolomo on Faux News. 

But, Britt's horrific creepy lie-fest was punctuated with one of the most brazen lies of omission yet tried by a Republican. First though, Britt's weird breathy voice is a "virtue signal" to the Fascist Fundamentalists that she's a docile Tradwife, as this "Fundie Baby Voice" has been adopted by evangelical and female TikTok influencers and is immediately recognized by the faithful.

And much has been made of Britt's attempts to go from happy warrior, to tearful mother, to assertive but not angry woman, all while Republicans told her to smile more during her empty Kitchen response.  Britt’s Kitchen was as empty and bereft as she is of morals, ethics, and principles.

But, Britt told a tale of woman subjected to horrific sexual violence from the time she was child. 

I traveled to the Del Rio sector of Texas, where I spoke to a woman who shared her story with me. She had been sex trafficked by the cartels starting at age 12. She told me not just that she was raped every day, but how many times a day she was raped.

We wouldn’t be OK with this happening in a third-world country. This is the United States of America, and it’s past time we start acting like it.

President Biden’s border crisis is a disgrace. It’s despicable. And it’s almost entirely preventable.

Now, I am in no way discounting this women's tale of violence and trauma or saying the story is untrue but, Britt's Lie is in telling this story as though it's a direct result of President Biden's border policies. It isn't.

The woman in question, Karla Jacinto Romero, is an incredibly brave activist who has told her story of subjugation and sexual abuse for decades now. Former AP report Jonathan Katz uncovered this and I recommend watching his video essay detailing the fundamental dishonesty in Britt's recounting of the incident.  I suppose in an irony of ironies despicable liar Katie Britt didn't even "SAY HER NAME" during this shameless co-option of Karla's trauma.

This is a shocking level of insincerity and brazen dishonesty which and I want you be clear, NO LONGER FUCKING MATTERS anymore. Republicans have successfully groomed and cultivated a cult and have no need to worry about lies, slander, misconduct, or even criminal conspiracies harming their electoral chances.

This was merely Britt's biggest lie as her awkward code switching and her stern breathy voice bore FALSE WITNESS against the President.  But, while on line Republican operatives were angry at Britt’s terrible presentation the right wing doesnt care about Britt's shameless.  Retreating to the well-worn canard, 'Oh they all lie. Especially Biden! He's the biggest liar' and therefore having condemned all politicians as exactly the same they absolve themselves of any moral conundrum in voting for Republicans, which is the whole fucking point of Corporate Media BothSides rhetoric, false equivocation, and constant push to excuse Republican perfidy.

We are in for a fight everyone.  Republicans hate You.  Do what you can to defeat these Republican monsters in the November Election because they see Trump's election, the Six Supreme Court Injustices, the compliant Corporate Media, and Authoritarianism Rising with in Europe, in South America, and the Fanatical Genocidal Wars in Ukraine and Gaza as the perfect opportunity to finally destroy the United States of America and replace it with a MAGA Empire held aloft by the pillars of White Supremacy, Corporate Hegemony, and Fascist Fundamentalism.

As always Be Brave if you can but, be ready to fight for your very lives because Republicans are coming for them.

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