Friday, March 8, 2024

Fighting Joe Biden not so Sleepy State of the Union Rope-a-Dopes Republicans again

The choice between Battlin' Joe Biden and the Toxic Treasonous Predecessor remains absolutely clear and easy.

I'll be darned but President Joe Biden remains a force during these speeches and Major Traitor Greene and every Republican remains a classless piece of shit.

Fighting Joe delivered an absolute knock out State of the Union address.  A feisty engaged speech filled with concrete ideas and promises to fight the Republican forces of Fascism.

Again, Republicans have nothing to offer the American people.  Republicans have no policies, no political platform, no aspirations, no ideas.  Republicans stand for nothing.  Don't ever forget Republicans routinely take credit for Bills they vote against and deny culpability for the bigoted and hateful laws (IVF) they do pass. Mighty Joe Biden called them out on it again!

The Entire Republican Congress are naught but, trolls and hecklers.  They have no self-control and no decency.  It's the natural endpoint of 40 years of incestuous rightwing propaganda; Republicans have been sitting in their rightwing bubbles endlessly farting and then inhaling in each other’s farts. In fact, Republicans have been huffing their own farts for so long they believe their own agitprop about Biden’s age, as the GOP continues to engage in incestuous amplification.

Yet, Joe Biden is perfect at responding to this type of heckling and continues to get the better of them, even though he’s older and slower he still beats them. 

Contrast Joe's witty retorts and extemporaneous ad-libs as he's heckled with Trump's responses to interruptions during his fascist rallies.  When Trump is interrupted his brain ceases functioning, he stops, gets visibly angry, continues to sweat profusely, breathes hard, and yells to get them out of here like your angry Faux News watching Uncle gets when you interrupt their racist harangues. 

It's impressive.  Fighting Joe, the Delaware Dandy, the Son of Scranton, is a canny old fighter just out-boxing them over and over again.  Watching President Biden set-up obvious rhetorical traps and watching Republican howler monkeys simply start shouting and flinging shit at him and "I'll be darned..." if Fighting Joe didn't come out on top again.  And make no mistake, Republicans absolutely want to steal your Social Security, because Republicans hate you, they hate American, and the hate the American Dream of being able to retire and enjoy your golden years.

I wish President Biden could look over his long career and decide to hang'em up but, I know he sees what an existential threat to American Democracy MAGA is, and he can't sit on the sidelines and watch the Toxic Treasonous Predecessor destroy the United States.

Again, the choice is clear, simple, and easy;  either hand the Federal Government over to a gaggle of Nazis or bring Joe back for 4 more years of easily the best President of Joe Biden's long lifetime.

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