Monday, February 5, 2024

The Vibes Economy 2: Republican Thieves are coming to Steal Social Security because they hate you (and your Obamacare too!)

You... Want... This... Don't You?
Fundamentally, Republicans don't believe the Federal Government (or State Governments for that matter) should help the poor, the sick, the downtrodden, or anyone else who doesn't have a big bank account to shower them with campaign donations.

Republicans are coming to steal your Social Security.  This isn't some nefarious secret plot, Republicans proudly and loudly proclaim their intention to eliminate it but, know even if it is reported (not a guarantee) their base of Rightwing drones will simply blame Biden and vote agains the Democrats.

In 2022, Republican David McCormick, millionaire CEO of a Connecticut based hedge-fund, tried to run for Senate in Pennsylvania on a platform of gutting Social Security,

“I think as a matter of reality, those entitlements aren’t sustainable in their current form for the future of our country.  I don’t think my kids are going to be able to live under the same entitlements that all of us that are here. So, I think we have to face that reality and do two things at the same time: keep our promises to people we made them to and change our entitlements in a way that they’re defensible and fundable into the future.”

Multi-Millionaire Republican McCormick thinks his kids won't get Social Security so he plans to steal it now, so he's running for senate again.  The Mega-Rich in America don't build anything, like Mitt R-Money or Elon Apartheid Musk, they are Vultures who swoop in and pick at the bones of Corporations, often by raiding pensions.

Because Boomers were greedy and Gen-X was cynical and stupid, Business and their Republican and NeoLiberal allies convinced them that Social Security was a bad bet and Pensions were "unfair" somehow.  Enter the 401(k) and other personal investment plans. 

I can not glibly say I hope White Men vote to have their Social Security taken away, even if they deserve to get what they vote for because I can not agree with having aGovernment which harms it's constituents.  And understand that is precisely the Government Republicans want.  Republicans hate America and Republican hate you and Republicans want you to have a short, unfulfilled life of toil and misery, with no real education and scant chance you will escape the perpetual wage slavery and corporate bondage they wish to enforce upon you.

Every Republican is invested in lying to you about Social Security and have been for over 40 years.   King Chickenhawk Coward Ronnie Raygun breathlessly claimed Social Security was about to go bankrupt just before his dementia set in  Speaker Mikey Johnson barfed forth the same odious lies,

“The reality is, they’re headed towards bankruptcy,” Mike Johnson said in his July 2022 C-SPAN appearance. “In just a few number of years, Social Security goes belly up. So does Medicare, Medicaid, all of these big-spending programs because we’re drowning in debt.”

Republicans hate you and want you to work from childhood until death.  The ability to retire before your body fails you completely has galled Republicans for decades.  

Eric Hovde, another Millionaire Republican, who plans to run for Wisconsin Senate in 2024, doesn't want younger Americans he plans to lord over to retire;

"The retirement age is still 65, life expectancy is 79. So my view on Social Security is real simple.  If you’re 50 or older we’re not going to touch it. If you’re under 50 you’re going to add two years to retirement age. If you’re under 40 you’re going to add two more years and if you’re under 30 you’re probably going to have to add another year.”

Republicans are banking on the Boomer base to continue fucking over the younger generations and expect them to vote to pull the ladder up.  For Republicans you get to rest when you're in the grave, you get to relax when you're dead.  Until your death, Republicans expect you to work.  "Retirement" is for the idle Rich and Republican politicians like John Boehner who do their duty cutting the social safety net and ensuring the American working class labors themselves to death.  Republican propagandists are clever maybe they could call their swindling of social security, The 10-to-65 Plan.  Maybe the Republicans could get Robert Lamm and Chicago to adapt their mega hit 25 or 6 to 4?  To Work yourself to death fro 10 to Six-ty-Five.

One of the things which becomes irritating is Rightwing propagandists as they age out, they get to retire to an Emeritus position Glenn Beck.  One of the bon mottes, Beck has liked to invoke for 10 years is there's no Hebrew word for retire or retirement;  

"He has a new book called Buried Treasure: Secrets For Living from the Lord's Language, where he is taking Hebrew and showing ‑‑ for instance, I love this, and this isn't in the book and let me just make this side note. One of the things he taught me was, "Glenn, there is no such thing ‑‑ there's no Hebrew word for retirement. It's not in the Bible. There's no word for retirement, not part of God's plan."

What toil what labor has Beck every done in his life? He's worked at Radio stations since he was a kid. Beck claims if he were to retire, he'd just get another job.  He's never done a job which requires physical labor and Beck had so much lazy free time on his hands he decided to get hooked on booze and drugs. Yet, here's a man who invokes god and has changed religious affiliations so often he thinks nobody get to retire because of God's plan.  Of course, Glenn Beck's wrong because even God Rested after creating all manner of beasts, the Earth, and the Universe.  What's worse is Beck continues to this day to lie to his listeners about Social Security.

Of course, even amongst the well-compensated next generation of rightwing liars, millionaire Charlie Kirk  would also like to steal social security and eliminate the idea you can retire,
Look, for current beneficiaries, none of – none of your obligations should be touched. So in the future, and I'm talking about my generation, I – I'm 29 years old. I'm willing to say, you know what, I'm willing to strike a deal so that people in their twenties are going to get next to nothing for future Social Security if it means we can balance the budget.
Kirk gets a lot of money to go to Campus and per formatively attack freshmen college kids over their views.  He also hosts the roving, never-ending CPAC circus.  I'm not sure how that's a job but, he's wealthy so he's more than willing to cosign his generation to never-ending work.

Nikki Haley, whom the Corporate Media so fucking desperately wants to be the Nominee so they can pull her over the finish line as the Media works to defeat President Joe Biden, absolutely believes you the American people need to work until you drop dead,
“What you would do is, for those in their 20s coming into the system, we would change the retirement age so that it matches life expectancy.  It’s the new ones coming in. It’s those in their 20s that are coming in. You’re coming to them and you’re saying, the game has changed. We’re going to do this completely differently.” Haley said on Fox News in March of 2023.
Republicans believe by telling the Boomers, don't worry we won't touch your Social Security, we'll just make sure those lazy, crazy Millennials and worthless confused Zoomers don't get it.  I think it's a working strategy I think Boomers are overwhelmingly going to vote for Trump and overwhelmingly vote for Republicans again.   A open question is whether Gen-X'ers, who've been raised in this BothSides are too blame landscape, will vote for Republicans?

So, at this point remember it's not me finding some rightwing random on-line espousing crazy views on Social Security; elected Senators, Congressmen, candidates for President, the Speaker of the House, two former Republican Presidents, and major conservative media personalities are pushing to eliminate Social Security.  I'd like to believe evidence would alter the minds of voters, but what we've seen clearly most Americans do not vote on their so-called policy positions.  So, we'll see if Republicans stated desire and plans to steal social security motivate younger voters or if the allure of Trumps nascent fascism and appeal to white power draws them in.  The Corporate Media will continue to do their best to soften Republican perfidy and dismiss peoples' concerns as they did with Abortion, which we know Republicans will never eliminate and we all know Republicans will never criminalize women who get abortions.

Republicans are a fascist organization which plans to impose the most austere, most murderous Government onto its own people.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I just noticed that you've got my blog on your blogroll. Thanks, I'm happy to return the favor.

    Keep raging, my friend.
