Thursday, February 15, 2024

Shall Not be Infringed 13: There are Two Things America Loves - Football and Mass Shootings

And I'm not so sure about Football...

There was a mass shooting as the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl victory parade ended.  The result 2 killed, 20 confirmed injured (half of the children), perhaps two or three suspects have been detained.  I guess with thousands present it could have been far worse.

Now we begin the kabuki dance, which accompanies these events,  conservatives will slag Liberal Democrat Kansas City and point out it's full of BLACKS (Kansas City has a rich history and connection to African Americans in sports),  Republicans will offer up their hollow thoughts and prayers, Gun Nuts will blame gun free zones, and despite the American people overwhelmingly wanting gun control and restrictions on firearms the Government will be unable to act.

Now, this is not a BothSides issue, I'm not blaming those Clowns in Congress.  The Republicans party is owned by the Firearms Manufacturing Industry and the Supreme Court is run by 6 unjust mullahs who put their warped minds above the health and welfare of the American people and believe their divinely inspired wisdom is above any human made laws.

Of course, this will not move Republicans towards any type of gun control or any efforts to limit gun violence in America.  Jello-Brained Trump, still upset over Tayler Swift and Travis Kelce spurning his advances, proudly proclaimed, 

"Nobody took care of our Second Amendment [more than me], during that four-year period, nothing happened with our Second Amendment," Treasonous Trump who fundamentally broke The Law and violated his oath to office as President declared he'll fully "uphold our great Second Amendment". 

Even well before Trump decided to destroy the United States of America, because President Obama made fun of him, Gun Violence has served Republican interests as a source of political power and money for Republican officials.

And MAGA culture (such as it is) cares nothing about the deaths from gun violence, because rightwingers don't care about society or anyone other than themselves.  All conservative caterwauling about protecting the children is utter tripe and pure performative bullshit.

Conservatives know they won't be victims to gun violence because; they have their guns with them at all times and they don't go into libtard-controlled, ANTIFA/BLM destroyed, smoking hellhole cities.  Conservatives live the pure fantasy life of a gun wielding movie character, the actual reality and actuarial statistics about gun deaths and violence are no more real to them than President Biden and VP K. Harris election victory in 2020.

Rightwingers are the Righteous and the Chosen ones; the Real Americans.  And why shouldn't they believe it?  The Corporate Media does everything it can to seek them out and elevate their false beliefs, Politicians (especially Republicans but, many Clinton Era Democratic ones) cater to their whims and delusions, and mainstream culture has always made a concerted effort to glorify their ideology (hence the rightwing outrage when Hollyweird is ramming that gay agenda down their throats).


In response to the shooting, tough talkin' Republican bigots (running for Governor) took to Cylon Musk's Nazi social media and declared THUGS and told those liberal gun grabbers the MO GOP will ensure children have guns to shoot other children whenever they want in Missouri.  Also one good guy with a gun could have stopped this shooting meaning the 1000 Police Officers at the Parade are according to Republican Bill Eigl not Good Guys...

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