Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Israel Hamas "War" what a stupid thing and the Impossible double standard facing Democratic Presidents

Everyone has heard about the Faux News Grandpa Joseph Czuba, attacking a Palestinian mother and her 6 year old.  Apparently, according to his arrest report Czuba was a voracious consumer of rightwing propaganda and heard all about the "Muslim Day of Rage" relentlessly promoted by conservative liars. 

What a stupid thing...

All the rightwing liars who lied about 9/11, and the Global War on Terror, are back along with a new generation of rightwing liars and lying again...  In truth they never left.  I recall the conservative media pysop that a Thirty Thousand Strong Army of Hardened Antifa Soldiers were going to descend upon Gettysburg and attack "The Patriots" assembled there for the 4th of July re-enactment in 2020.  As if the Republicans who represent and venerate the Confederacy are the Heroes of Gettysburg.  The god awful Cook County Sheriff's Office disseminated a multi-department wide warning about the supposed Antifa operation and hundreds of Conservative Militias assembled to repulse the attack.

Of course, it goes back even further.  While the Ronnie Raygun administration was conducting their illegal arms trade to equip terrorists abroad (The Iran-Contra Affair) Ronnie and his brutal Secretary of State George P. Schultz fear-mongered that Sandanista's would invade Texas if we didn't support the rightwing death squads, ignore the result of elections, and quash the Marxists.

And, of course, conservatives continue to lie about who incited, who attended, and who was responsible for the Jan6th Coup Attempt (100% Republicans).

Now, I like President Biden.  I thought no matter what his Presidency shaped up to be, the mere fact he defeated Traitor Trump constituted a successful time in Office.  But, much to my surprise Joe Biden has been as progressive as any President in American history besides those who go by three initials.

That's why I can not imagine the fvcking ballistic fallout if a Democratic President denigrated Prime Minister Netanyahu and praised Hezbollah in the wake of the Hamas militant butchery the way Traitor Trump did.  I can not imagine the apocalyptic fury which would have descended on Biden; we're talking 24/7 Corporate Media coverage of the comments with demands the 25th Amendment to be invoked, hell the House Republicans might have been able to overcome their inherent dysfunction to elect a Speaker of the House for the sole purpose of calling for Immediate Impeachment.

Congresswoman Rashiba Tlaib has been widely denounced across the Nation for her correct analysis of the Israel/Palestine situation.  It highlights this incredible double-standard which afflicts the Corporate Media and the political climate in the United States (which of course impacts the response and coverage of the Russia invasion of Ukraine and the unconscionable Israeli retribution in Gaza).  Understand the warmongers are rapacious and never satisfied.  Certainly, the rightwing across the globe are irritated by Ukraine's defiance of Russia but, the War pornographers always salivate over the collateral damage inflicted in the Middle East.

So, is President Biden doing the right thing in the response to the violence in Palestine/Israel?  I don't know.  But, he has earned my trust with the policies he's enacted thus far.  He's earned my trust with the people he has surrounded himself in the Executive Cabinet.  He's earned my trust in handling the psychotic criminal Congress he's dealing with.  He's earned my trust with the way he's allowed Trump to flail and vent and incriminate himself further and further. 

Joe Biden ends the Drone program and the phony leftists (Glenn Greenwald et al) who screamed DroneZ were the worst war crime in recorded human history were silent then and continue to remain silent today.

Joe Biden pulled the US out of Afghanistan after 20 fucking years and not only did he not get any credit from anyone, the Corporate Media proclaimed this the worst military decision in United States history.  House Republicans were set upon hearings over this worst military failure to proclaim Afghanistan was all Joe Biden's fault but, they decided to punch each other in the dicks to shut down the Government instead.

Joe Biden works to cancel as much student debt as possible, which the Supremacist Court fights over and over to stop, and Biden catches flak from left for not doing it the right way and the right for doing it all.  Then he goes around the blocks erected by Sammy di Puzzi Alito and Clarence For Sale Thomas and still received little to no credit.

Joe Biden takes on Big Pharma price gouging of old people and nobody in the Corporate Media says anything because one of the last big advertisers on old people news are Pharmaceutical commercials.

The Supremacist Court guts the Clean Water Act protection for marshlands and waterways by claiming the Originalist reading of the Constitution Navigable Waters means Corporations are free to piss and dump whatever they want and the Corporate Media proclaims Biden's EPA cuts protection for waterways.

Meanwhile, Trump praises Hezbollah (confusing them with Hamas) because Trump is raging idiot while Biden declares support for Israel's 9/11 and collective shrug.  

Traitor Trump blubbers utter drivel these days, not that his sentence structure was ever coherent during his Presidency, but his babbling is chock full of farcical nonsense, grievances against President Barack Obama, praise for dictators, confusion over what Bush was President, attacks on witnesses and prosecutors and his usual collection of general gibberish.  It used to be Republican malapropisms were massaged by the Corporate Media who cleaned-up and sanitized the shit flowing from Republicans mouths.  It was thought as long as the Republican wasn't a diaper shitting madman he could be successfully carried along but, with Trump the Corporate Media couldn't make any of it make sense so the they decided they no longer cared and instead of trying to make Republican Clowns into Statesmen, they would enjoy the Circus.

It's an unfair system, the Media wants Trump back in office and they will continue to hold Joe Biden to an impossible standard while holding Trump and any Republican to no standards at all.

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