Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Republicans hate America 7: Turn off that Speaker; Shut Down the Government!

"BALLS": The Heckler's Veto is in the Constitution
As the House Republicans continue to embarrass themselves, endanger America, and empower the worst enemies of the Nation with their perfidious incompetence, active ignorance, and outright hostility let us not deny what's happening here; Republicans hate America and want the Nation to fail, so they can replace the current iteration of the United States with a simulacrum, a Feudal Slave State held aloft by the Republican pillars of fundamentalist oppression, white supremacy, and rightwing domestic terrorism.

The stories emerging this morning, today, and tonight highlight how far into nihilistic buffoonery the Republicans party has descended.

However, in reality the dysfunction in the House accomplishes a prime goal of the shutting down the operation of the Government.  Republicans consistently do this (sometimes spectacularly e.g. January 6th) because Republicans hate America.

Republicans don't want a working Government and don't want America to be a functioning Nation.  Therefore, Republicans no longer have a governing ideology, or policy goals, and exist in a state of perpetual agitation, petulantly lashing out and nursing their hatred, anger and bigotry.  There is only one animating principle the modern Republicans can coalesce around which are Tax Cuts for the Rich and Tax Increases for the Poor and Middle Class.  My taxes went up, because of the Tax Plan the Trump/Republican Government from 2017 concocted.  It wasn't an oversight or a freakish confluence of factors but, a specific policy goal; one of the few things the Republicans can agree on.

The goal of all Republican governments is to shift the burden of the Nation onto the backs of the working and middle class until it becomes so onerous they are broken by it and everyone in the country is reduced to Penury and Corporate Peonage.  The Republican Party also knows the more they aid the obscene wealthy in hiding their ill-gotten lucre the more money will trickle into their campaign coffers.

Certainly, groups like The Federalist Society or the Heritage Foundation have some other goals in mind;  installing judges who roll back the Progressive Era and the political gains of the everyday Americans, and rolling back regulations on businesses or the Inflation Reduction Act or Obamacare.

But, this generation was raised on the bitter milk of Rush Limpballs and the non-stop lies of Faux News.   So, each tepid white Republican lines up in turn to be ritually humiliated and get fewer and fewer (or less and less) votes from their erstwhile party members.  These public humilations might be humorous if the world wasn't engulfed in flames in Ukraine and Palestine and if Americans weren't going to face numerous problems and set up by the rapacious Corporate vultures who look to fill in the void left by Republicans self-nullification.

Foxx: The OG MTG
The Republican Treason Caucus held their press conference to declare Mike Johnson of Louisiana is their next choice; which makes sense since he's a Fascist fundamentalist, the type I've been warning you about.  Anyway when Johnson was asked about his not inconsequential efforts to overturn American democracy and install Traitor Trump through bureaucratic legerdemain, the OG Major Traitor Greene, Virginia FoXXX reminded everyone of what a nasty bitter person she is by screaming "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!", much to the amusement of her male Republican colleagues.

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