Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Alabama Boat Brawl and the Ohio Special Election

“This is Trump country,” Senator Tommy Tuberbrain told the crowd in Montgomery, Alabama last weekend.

There is a simmering tension and barely constrained anger brewing in the Country.  This is not a good thing nor is it a harbinger for positive change.  For like a raisin in the sun sometimes it explodes...

For the past 8 years, Corporate Media has found every single aggrieved white conservative across the country to get their opinion on how great Donald Trump is and how angry they are that white people are the true victims and experiencing unbelievable levels of racism.  Of course, the Corporate Media has been framing news stories for the past 40+ years from the white rightwing perspective, that is when they aren't running hit jobs on Democratic Presidents.  But for the Trump Era everything needs to be under the rubric of what do Trump voters think?

So, it should comes as no surprise that after Donald John Traitor Trump gave a fundraiser in Montgomery Alabama a group of drunk white outside agitators decided to attack a black man for the temerity of telling them to move their unlawfully parked pontoon boat.

I won't try and encapsulate the overwhelming amount of incredibly funny, poignant, defiant, and righteous response across every social media platform and commentators but especially from black people who are quite rightly celebrating this fight and those black men and women who fought back against the drunken white pontoon boaters. 

And no don't give me any of that non-violence whitewashed Saint Martin content of their character crap.  Everyone knows Republicans have co-opted that phrase in order to get people to surrender to rightwing violence without a fight.  Violence sometimes is necessary and justified.  Of course, what conservatives have done in this country is work to distort those distinctions.  Just as rightwingers have confused people about who the true groomers and sexual predators in the country are, almost always white men in positions of authority, conservatives justify every act of violence against the poor, downtrodden, and those with the least power in the country.  Recall how every single Republican and right-winger vociferously defended Daniel Perry killing of Jordan Neely earlier this summer?  Or the continuing non-stop claims by Republicans that BLM and Antifa burned down Portland, Falsely claimed Police Officers were murdered, and did everything they could to blame "The Left" for destruction which was overwhelmingly caused by rightwing infiltrators?

Because make no mistake if these racial roles were reversed Megyn Kelly, Faux News, and every pissant on-line rightwing agitator would spend months revving up racial tension and enflaming the white rightwing society, while conservatives on-line would be threatening death, and gun violence against all black people.

Meanwhile, in Ohio, Republicans tried a bad faith special election to change the referendum process requiring direct referendum receive 60% of votes to be passed.  This was a direct assault on Abortion Rights which are up on the regular election ballot.  Well, the deceptive power grab was decisively defeated by a 2-to-1 margin.
"Today, Ohio voters rejected an effort by Republican lawmakers and special interests to change the state's constitutional amendment process," President Biden said in a statement Tuesday night. "This measure was a blatant attempt to weaken voters' voices and further erode the freedom of women to make their own health care decisions. Ohioans spoke loud and clear, and tonight democracy won."
Understand, that Republicans have passed the Authoritarian event horizon and a slowly yet inexorably being pulled into the naked singularity of outright fascism.  Republicans will do whatever they can, by whatever means available to undermine the United States in their quest to remake this Nation into a Neo-Confederate quasi-Christian Fundamentalist slave state.

But, while I'm not going to say people are fighting back because that is a trite observation, often by people in no danger of being harmed by Republican positions, this does demonstrate Americans continue to reject Trump and Republican "policies" over and over.  Demonstrating, yet again those who argued to elect Trump over HRC in order to "Heighten the Contradictions" are so misguided much like their horseshoe libertarian brethren who believe bad business will eventually go out of business ignoring the damage being wrought right now for a fantasy of a utopian tomorrow. 

This is why the 2024 election now holds the fate of the Nation on a razor-thin balance.  If Trump somehow pulls of an Electoral victory (he's going to lose the popular vote by 10,000,000) or if Republicans in the House can somehow pull off a bureaucratic Coup well then Fascism and all it's open evils will quickly engulf the Nation.  Even when President Biden wins re-election, Republican Traitors are going to call the election stolen and do their damnedest to make certain States, and regions into ungovernable tribal regions.

Meanwhile, be wary, be prepared, be brave if you can because the Republican Party is gone all that remains is the Fascist Trump Party and they are coming for you.

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