Monday, July 10, 2023

Wisconsin Republicans would like you children to die by: Guns, Meningitis, or Heat

The day after Independence Day I recently read the worldwide temperature was the highest ever recorded at 62.9 Fahrenheit.  These records only date to 1940.  So right there Republicans can dismiss evidence of the rapidly warming planet.  Meanwhile, the New England area is experiencing torrential rainfall and a 1-in-a-1000 year flooding event...  Strange how these Once every Thousand year events happen yearly or even more often.

But, not satisfied with environmental catastrophes, Republicans in Wisconsin voted to spread diseases in Junior High,

The Republican-controlled Wisconsin Legislature on Wednesday voted to stop Democratic Gov. Tony Evers’ administration from requiring seventh graders to be vaccinated against meningitis.  The Legislature’s vote also makes it easier for parents to get an exemption from a chicken pox vaccine requirement that is in place for all K-6 students. Evers’ administration wanted to require parents seeking a chicken pox vaccination exemption to provide proof that their child has previously been infected.

These are not the dreaded mRNA vaccines which Republicans demonized under the rubric as "the Jab" to fuel their phony propaganda campaign of died suddenly and millions wmore will die soon!  Chicken pox vaccines have been around since the 1970's and meningitis is CDC recommended for 11-12 year olds. 

Part of this is the decades long rightwing effort to undermine and destroy Education in the United States, and more broadly the on-going Republican effort to cause dysfunction in the government while making government totally unresponsive and unavailable to large swaths of American society; as say when the Supremacist Court ruled against Student Debt loan relief or baned Universities from addressing historical inequities in education.  This is why the Betsy DeVos funded Moms 4 Hitler group so lovingly embraced him; conservatives seek nothing less than the destruction of the Department of Education, tight restrictions of higher learning, and the indoctrination of the rest of America into accepting their Totalitarian dictates. 

So, when you couple this with every Republican policy; e.g. the mass proliferation of firearms (guns being the #1 cause of preventable deaths in children and teens), denial of medical care to women, reductions in every facet of the meager social safety net, and the rank climate change denial, it illustrates how much and how viscerally Republicans hate your children.  They really hate your fucking children but, being Republicans they do like fucking your children... over.

It also illustrates how little thought Republicans give to the future.  Crank that AC to 65!  Grow that Sod! Drill Baby Drill!  Drain those Marshlands!  Dump whatever you want into the Great Lakes!  Slash and burn those forests!  Fuck the Future! Republicans know that with Billionaires funding and influencing the Supreme Court and with the Boomer Generation getting older and feeling more and more entitled to draining as much resources as they wish, just like the fvcking Boomers have done their entire pampered lives, they can win enough elections to entrench their political power, until the day comes when Republicans have to use all those Guns they've been stockpiling to take Political Power by force.

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