Monday, April 10, 2023

Shall Not Be Infringed 7: In a Louisville bank or a home on the road or anywhere it's a Man's Absolute Right to Gun Down... anyone

So, imagine Marlon Brando from Apocalypse Now, now place him into a Sheriff's Deputy uniform, approached me last year and asked "did you go up there" referring to Highland Park.  I tell him no.  "So and so," he says, "told me if was like a war zone."  Without stopping, without reflection he continues, "I mean... who does that?"

I pause, staring at him incredulously, "Americans..." I respond flatly.
Since, the Highland Park shooting on the 4th of July 2022, there have been 475 Mass Shootings.  For a variety of reasons, most of these don't make National headlines.  The Covenant School shooting had several days of local and National press coverage because of the circumstances surrounding that one were "unusual" and the rightwing could make political hay of the shooters' alleged identity and the location of the shooting.  (While conspicuously avoiding the high probability the shooter was sexually abused at the school when they attended it.)

So today the coverage is of the Louisville Old National Bank shooting which 14 people were shot, including the gunman.  The circumstances appear to be one of a fired employee coming back to work with his Supreme Court Endorsed AR-15 and exerting his Ultimate Severance Package.

Don't expect this shooting to do anything to alter the Republicans response of "We're Not Going to fix this..."  In fact, each one of these shootings serves to further entrench the gun nut absolute adherence to More Guns, More Gun Violence, Less Restrictions, More Guns... More Guns... More Guns...

It's not a matter of learned helplessness as several prominent Democratic Governors and the Biden administration have pushed for gun legislation, it's that Republicans will adamantly fight any and all laws, and Rightwingers will trot out every false equivalence, disingenuous lie, and bad faith argument to undercut any response to this.  And the Supremacist Court is dominated by Reactionary Faux News Drones who strike down every gun restriction by appealing to medieval thinkers.

Anyway, you already know what Republicans will say;  Chicago!  Ukraine!  Guns don't kill people!  Enforce the Laws already on the books!  Outlaw guns only Outlaws will have guns!  SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!  MOLON LABE!

I'd recommend not arguing with them on any platform because they aren't going to listen and they don't fucking care.  Not one bit.

But, understand the Rightwing interpretation of the Second Amendment and the passage of Stand Your Ground Laws by Republican dominated states is designed to let you know that they have guns and their 2A Trumps your 1A and your voting power. 

One of the things baked into language which helps perpetuate the patriarchy is the way stories are framed.  I know everyone is shocked by the Mass Shooting at The Covenant School at the Louisville Bank but, just three weeks prior to there was a horrific domestic violence massacre, in which 4 people were murdered, including a Command SgtMaj of the Army, by a jilted divorced man who then used his Supreme Court Protected Firearm to shoot himself.

As soon often happens, the man decided since the divorce is finalized it was time for him to exert his final Dude Process Rights and gun down that bitch.  But, since the new man in her life was present the gunman decided to killed him and then shoot 3 children to death as they slept in their beds.

Here's a tweet about a Florida Road Rage in which the two white fucks decided to shoot at each other but merely shot each others children.
Who's the good guy with the gun?  Who's the bad guy?  It doesn't matter because the Stand Your Ground Laws are designed to allow gun nuts the possibility of killing a person and then claiming self-defense.  Because who's going to testify against them?  And even if they are convicted?  Well, that's what Republican Governors are for.

The work the rightwing propaganda machine did in atomizing America and doing away with the concept of society is bearing it's fruit.  There are only individuals and your family and you are at war with everyone else.  But, that 3/4 ton lifted rollin' coal truck,  don't vaccinate yourself or your children, vote for the guy whose promising tax cuts don't worry about his racist anti-woman agenda.  After most shootings don't get covered and Faux News et al make sure their devoted fans only here about gun violence in DemocRAT controlled cities.

What it all comes down to now, now that the Firearms Manufacturing Industry has flooded the Nation with 400,000,000 guns, is Republicans and Rightwingers are taking a real long hard look at their guns and are coming around to the idea their guns are the Ultimate Solution to the problems in America; those problems being, not enough people voting for Republicans.


  1. Wanna shut down any 2A twunt? Bring up the Militia Acts and watch them turn from White, to Red, to Blue. Because it's really all right there

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Except Moron Labes will simply reply the Posse Commitus Act supersedes those Acts from the 1790s and anyway when the time is right, Republicans and Conservatives are simply going to meld their Rightwing Paramilitary Domestic Terrorists in with the Police and Military as they seize control of DC and the Government.
