Tuesday, February 7, 2023

President Joe Brandon's SOTU shows the Republicans have nothing to offer the American people

 And the Gross Qanon Party is naught but bigots and trolls.

Seriously, they couldn't help themselves, the heckling and Karen tantrums from the Congress.  I hope the Corporate Media which is invested in the concepts of the comity of the Senate and the civility of the House report on how uncouth, obnoxious and down right stupid the Republicans came off last night.

Shouting, jeering, screaming about the border.  Fentanyl is not coming in over the border by some Breaking Bad Los Pollos Hermanos Gus Fring Mexican Drug Cartel empire.  It's here.  It's being produced by the biggest drug pushes in world history the Sackler Family and their Pharmaceutical co-conspritators.

President Biden also tastefully handled the pissy Republicans griping about him laying out their stated plans to swindle America out of her Social Security.  As well as, pointing out "the facts" about who blew up the debt and deficit when Trump and his Republican allies in Congress, added $8 Trillion in just 4 years.  It was absolutely masterful when President Biden responded to the shouts from Major Traitor Greene and other deplorable Republicans with, "So folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare is off the books now, right?” 

Republicans really fucking hate when you tell the truth about their ideology and policies.

But, this is what happens when a party spends all its' time huffing each others farts and listening to the incestuous rightwing propaganda bubble.  You end up believing your own lies.

It was a good performance by President Biden who has done a very good job these past two years.

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