Wednesday, February 8, 2023

George Santos and Marge Greene are the Ultimate Republican Fuck You to America because Republicans hate Americans

Besties Forever

"It will be my objective, to phase out Social Security, to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it. People who advise me politically always tell me that's dangerous and I tell them, "in that case is not worth my running." That's why I'm doing this, to get rid of that. Medicare and Medicaid are of the same sort and need to be pulled out." - Republican Senator Mike Lee.  How DARE President Biden say the Republicans want to eliminate Social Security!

Republicans hate America.  This is incontrovertible.  The election of Trump; a known conman, a child rapist, a liar who claimed heroism on 9/11, a chickenhawk coward, a thief, and that was all before he took over the Presidency and the crimes he committed in the White House included no less than the worst attempt to overthrow the United States since the last time conservatives tried to overthrow the United States during the Civil War.

Since, Trump's treasonous Regime slunk out of DC, the entire political platform for Republicans is no less than the destruction of the American experiment and the creation of a NeoConfederate Nation built upon an edifice of unequal protection under the law and a reduction of the American people to penury and wage slavery.

Republicans have nothing to offer the American people.  Nothing.  It was on vivid display last night at the State of the Union.  The Republicans entire governing platform is; Fear & Anger and they are dedicated to reducing the standard of living and raising the cost of everything from medical care, gasoline, everything. 

A day after braying, Large Marge claimed
Twitter violated her and the 1st Amendment
To that end George Santos and Major Traitor Greene are the quintessential Republican Congresspersons and a perfect representation of the Modern GOP.  Certainly, 'George Santos' is not the first liar of extraordinary shamelessness; Gym Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and the aforementioned Mike Lee, as well as Republicans dating back over 30 years are the exact opposite of what they claim to be, and the antithesis of the ethics, morals, values they purportedly claim to espouse.  Santos is merely the most shameless.

'George Santos' entire backstory and persona was crafted by Republican Strategists to inoculate him from any criticism from The Left.  He was going to be the Republican who could attack Gays, attack immigrants, and look even after every revelation, "Santos" still feels utterly confident in besmirching Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Mitt Romney.

"No, you did that to me. And that was wrong, and it was against the law. It's not only me that you violated, you violated my First Amendment rights; you violated countless conservative Americans." - This, of course, is untrue on several levels.  Gym Jordan understands this... And the ridiculous GOP House Oversight Committee where Greene uttered this tripe, former Twitter employees revealed that in 2019 Trump as President demanded Twitter remove Chrissy Teigen's tweet.  It's been shown time and time again Twitter allows rightwingers and Republicans to consistently violate its' former Terms of Service (ToS) because the employees know Republicans are whiners and crybabies who accuse others of the exact crimes they commit.  Remember every Republican Accusation is a Confession. 

So, that's where we are... Republicans have nothing to offer but lies, constant "cultural war" anger, and repeated free mongering.  And they deliver all of this as boorish louts, jeering trolls, and classless hecklers.

I'll say it again.  Get Ready... Republicans are building up a to boiling point, to an inflection point when violence will not only be the "right answer" but, the only answer.  Republicans and Rightwingers are yearning to murder millions of Americans.

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