Friday, January 20, 2023

Who's the Dobbs leaker? Drunken Ginni Thomas or Big Sammy Di Puzzi Alito?

Whatcha Gonna do about it?

A key component of Fascism is the unequal application of laws; there are individuals and groups who are above the law and their are groups and individuals who are subject to full weight and force of law.  

This is usually summed up in the Social Media age with the following quote; "There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."  This misattributed quote has an interesting backstory.

Typically in America, Race has been the deciding factor for two-tier justice system. Running parallel to Race is Class in the system which railroads some people and provides all manner of excuses for their behavior, second third or fourth chances, and finds all sorts of reasons to not bring the law to bear upon them.

Conservatives have often been given a large leeway in the commission of crimes that rightwingers are aghast that many are being held responsible for their criminal actions on January 6th.

Some of the Jan6th plotters have found a nice loophole to evade arrest and prison; these are the powerful Republicans at the Federal level who participated, facilitated, and conspired in the Republican attempt to overthrow the United States Government.

One of those deeply involved in the Plot to Destroy America was Ginni Thomas, who when not drunk was texting multiple members of the Executive branch with ideas, plans, and schemes to undo the election of President Joe Biden.  This information was kept from the American people for a year and half, while Ginni plied her husband Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to enact regressive fascist rulings via Judicial Fiat to oppress and shackle the American people in the Republican effort to create the NeoFeudal Dictatorship built upon corporate bondage and a strictly enforced social stratification system based on religion, race, and wealth.

But... let's recall the leaked Dobbs decision from May of last year.  Faux News did dozens of segments intimating that liberal clerks for the liberal Justices leaked it.  Slimy Ted Cruz took time off from destroying evidence of his involvement in the attempt to overthrow the US Government he supposedly swore an Oath to Protect and Defend to claim that all liberal Justice Clerks should be summarily arrested and interrogated in violation of the 4th Amendment because Ted Cruz doesn't adhere to the Law in the United States.  But, the initial theory that Sammy Alito or Ginni Thomas leaked the ruling in order to ensure John Roberts didn't go limp and try and convince Boofer O'Kavanaugh to not outright cancel Roe but, continue the slow reactionary process of slicing it up ruling after ruling until poof one day it was gone seems to be correct.  Alito was most likely the Leaker.  So, instead Alito and his Supremacist Court decided this was their opportunity to begin making Women second class citizens in the United States.

But, after Injustice Roberts declared the leak a "betrayal of the confidences of the court" and vowed to Find the Leaker we are now witness to the next stage of the Farce of the Supremacist Court, sadly the Leaker has not been identified and no reason to look any further; onward towards dismantling the United States via 6 unelected politicians in robes.

At this time, based on a preponderance of the evidence standard, it is not possible to determine the identity of any individual who may have disclosed the document or how the draft opinion ended up with Politico.

And the electoral fallout from Alito giving the Vaffanculo wasn't too bad for Republicans and so now comes the next steps, slowly have rightwing states outlaw abortion, arresting doctors, intimidating delivery services, and punishing women.  Women will die and conservatives will cheer.  Predictably Republicans and religious groups, like the Thomas More Dead Women Society, are clamoring for the Court to step in and restrict Abortion Nationwide and await the chance of the US Government Trifecta in 2024 to pass the Ultimate anti-abortion law stating Women are Property.

Mark Joseph Stern is aghast the 6 Supremacist Judges who issued this order where allowed to not sign an affidavit 

ETA: And apparently Gym Jordan and the Republican House is going to investigate the leak once they get tired of looking at Hunter Biden dic pics.  Which means plenty of minor Democratic officials and judicial clerks are to be dragged in front of Major Traitor Greene and Matt "All the 14 Year Old Girls Belong to Us" Gaetz to threaten them and release their names and addresses to Tucker Carlson for proper excoriation and death threats from Proud Boys. 

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