Sunday, January 15, 2023

In Utah (and America), Guns are God's Gift to Mankind

"What were you going to do?
"I don't know... I don't know what I was going to do..."
"Oh Guys like you say they don't know what they're gonna 
do when you know exactly what you were gonna do.  You
were going to kill your wife and your child...
"Yeah... then it be too late to turn back and it'd be real easy 
to turn the gun around on yourself..."
On January 4th two weeks after being informed by his wife Tausha of impending divorce proceedings, Good Mormon Michael Haight took his guns and shot Tausha, his mother-in-law, and their 5 children to death before killing himself.

The number one use of guns in America are to kill their owner, after that man kills his family. Period. Anyone who brings up self-defense, or combating tyranny is lying to themselves and to everyone else.

Worse in response to this massacre, the extended Mormon families released official letters deciding Michael was a loving and devoted father (WITH NOTABLE RARE EXCEPTIONS!!!) and Tausha is only dead because there weren't enough guns in the house.

Protective arms were purposely removed from the home prior to the incident because all adults were properly trained to protect human life. This is the type of loss that will continue to occur in families, communities and this nation when protective arms are no longer accessible. It is our desire that the media turn their attention to the weightier matters surrounding this event.

Understand shootings like this aren't covered in national Conservative Media because it's not the narrative they are selling about Crime & Guns in America.

This the Ultimate Good Guy with a Gun Argument. You see Michael is a still a Good Guy with a Gun, up to and even after he started firing those bullets which blew "his family" to pieces and Tausha would have been an even Gooder Girl with a Gun if she had her "protective arms" which had been unconstitutionally removed the from house which she could have used to "Save Lives" because All Adults in that home were Good Guys with Guns.

One of the pernicious lies, the blood soaked Firearms Industry has repeatedly pounded is the Myth Guns Save Lives. Guns Take Lives. It is their primary and only function. And this monstrous fiction has allowed Men to pretend they are Good Guys with Guns when like D-Fens in Falling Down, they are the Bad Guy. But, since guns are gifts from God and he shot "his family" (always note the language used to frame the relationship between the murderer and "his victims" they are his possessions to do with as he pleases) in America guns are overwhelmingly used to kill their owner after that man has murdered his wife and children.

1 comment:

  1. Yes to every bit of your piece.

    The guns are nothing but good side is allowed to control the narrative always.

    It is Big Whore Media that is and will destroy the United States.

    I can hardly bear even a glance at "news" anymore.

    And yes - it is totally fucking depressing for this guy.
