Friday, December 16, 2022

How learned to stop worrying and love Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

Such claims are dismissed by the
Pro-Putin "Antiwar" crowd.
I used to read which was highly critical of the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and provided a counter-balance for the incessant drumbeat of War! War! War! by the Corporate Media and the War Boner reporting of embedded journalists.

I meandered back to their website recently and was aghast but unsurprised that most of the articles they are linking to are by conservatives and Antiwar's take on Ukraine and Russia is evil NATO made Russia invade, and it's only a matter of time until Russia wins so Ukraine should surrender now, and *ackshullay* Biden is the Warmonger and NATO is the one escalating the violence, and watch out Russia might Nuke everyone because we made them do it.

It's despicably shocking to see Antiwar embrace Putin and Russia's invasion of Ukraine and adopt the abusers framing of Look what you made me do while catapulting rightwing narratives of Ukraine the fascist backstabber, and embracing Republican threats of cutting off funding for Ukraine.  It's beyond "Tankie" and beyond Only America is Imperialist, it's fundamentally a pro-Russian invasion of Ukraine position.

"Peace Champions" adhere to C3PO's advice,
'Let the Putin Win'
Every article front paged, linked to, and commented upon simply ignores what Putin said were the intentions and goals of his unlawful war and invasion; the so-called "denazification" of Ukraine and the elimination of Ukraine as a sovereign state for the right and proper re-absorption back into Mother Russia.  Instead articles and their comment section are full of people denouncing the rapacious Biden White House, inventing all manner of conspiratorial events which supposedly triggered Russia's invasion, and preposterously pretends that, by pushing and agitating for Ukraine's defeat, they are the true peacekeepers and the defenders of international Law&Order. 

Why is "Antiwar" trumpeting Russian talking points and linking to rightwing writers who've written the same It's Time for Ukraine to Surrender article for all of 2022 while supporting Russian's invasion of Ukraine?  I don't know.  

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