Sunday, October 16, 2022

Russian Ron Johnson; plane thief and plain thief

"Don't Boo. Vote,"  - President Barack Obama. 

Wisconsin residents laughed and booed at Traitor Ron Johnson during his debate with Lt. Gov Mandela Barnes.   Russian Ron told Brian Kilmeade on Faux News it was all college students who've been taught leftist propaganda laughing at him.  One day, Ron Salieri Johnson swore, I will laugh at you...

Everyday brings some new revelation about Republican perfidy.  Imagine a Republican.  Now compare that Republican to any another Republican.  You will find each is worse than the other and any other Republican you can think of is worse than both of them.

Of course, you know about the violent ignorance and active stupidity of a Major Traitor Greene or Dick Flashing Lauren Boebert but, at every level from senior Senators to local county board, Republicans have adopted of a program of out-doing each other in the depths they will sink.  It's a downward spiral on the accretion disc of depravity, bigotry, and violence leading Republicans towards the Naked Singularity of Pure Fascism.

Russian Ron Johnson knows, knows on a deep visceral level that 50 years of rightwing agitprop and lies have completely conditioned conservatives.  Nothing a Republican does, save being civil to Democrats, will cost a Republican support and votes.

"The FBI set me up," - Ron Johnson. "Bitch set me up..."  - Marion Barry

There has never been a more Reactionary Law Enforcement body in American history than the FBI, that includes the Pinkertons.  Yet, a large swath of the American electorate somehow believes the FBI is in cahoots with BLM and Antifa...  Understand the constant Republicans bullying and insults of the FBI is exactly what the GQP has done to the media for years.  Republican abusive behavior is designed to get the FBI to throw up their hands and allow the Republicans to seize control of the Government and create a Neo-Nazi Nation.  Of course, the standard FBI agent is bound to be a conservative by nature and disposition and certainly there are fascist true believers who've infiltrated the FBI but, most members of law enforcement feel it's their duty to enforce the law. What the modern GQP and conservative movement doesn't want that; rightwingers specifically want Federal Law Enforcement to act like the Stasi and Gestapho.  Conservatives have always wanted Law to be used to punish their political enemies it's why they accused President Obama of using the IRS to target conservatives and why they dusted off that accusation against President Biden; conservatives have used and will use the Federal Government to harass and punish their political opponents they can not conceive of any other use for them.

So, Russian Ron Johnson knows his racist Wisconsin voters are primed to believe the FBI was weaponized against him.

But, crying about being set up by the FBI or pretending not to hear a reporter when he's being asked about his plan to hand a false slate of electors to Mike Pence on January 6th won't get Wisconsin conservatives riled up and raring to go the voting booth.  So Ron Johnson's campaign against Mandela Barnes is rife with racism.  But, in the vast Wisconsin driftless plains, Great Lake shores, and rolling forests Johnson's bigotry sells.  So, when the debate moderator asked Barnes and Johnson the banal say something nice about your opponent Russian Ron couldn't help but declare, his black opponent hates America.

The Republican Party is gone.  It's bigots, grifters, fascists, and criminals.  Period.

Ron Johnson openly states he'll help do away with Medicare and Social Security and make abortion illegal by Federal Law if he's re-elected to the Senate.  And conservatives are yearning to vote for him.  White Wisconsin rightwingers are willing to harm themselves because they know Johnson will hurt minorities, LGBTQ persons, women, liberals more.

And meanwhile, Johnson engages in financial graft and kickbacks knowing he can just declare any investigation into him is done by the Woke Gay FBI agents and conservatives will disavow reality.  Johnson has been using Howard Air, his family owned planes, for travel.  Besides reimbursing his family trust with Federal money, it's a simple way for political allies to funnel payoffs and kickbacks to Johnson.

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