Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Mehmet Oz is asking you to Elect a local Republican so they can sneak a peek at your wife's Vagina. Maybe your Mother's too

Crooked Ted Cruz just sat up a little straighter because Mehmet OZ just outlaid the Republican position on women's bodies.

During the debate with Pennsylvania Lt Gov John Fetterman, New Jersey carpetbagger Mehmet OZ declared abortion is a decision between a woman, her doctor, and local political leaders,

“I want women, doctors, local political leaders, letting the democracy that’s always allowed our nation to thrive, putting the best ideas forward so states can decide for themselves.”

What a ridiculous clueless mish-mash of nonsense from the inept, clueless OZ.  But, OZ couldn't answer that abortion should be left between a woman and her doctor because that is not the Republican position.  The Republican position is Republican men and a few hand-picked token women (Amy Covid Barrett) have the final say on what women can and can not do in America.

But, to be fair to Creepy Cancun Cruz, OZ did exclude the Federal Government in this fucking bullshit about "States".  Just as when MAGA Republicans circulated the meme of the United States counties which "Voted" for Trump showing a huge sea of red "States" as though the barren, wind swept, empty plains of the Dakotas and Wyoming are the real American electorate.  As if these things called "States" exist in some higher echelon of political theory imbued with secret gnostic knowledge and perfect Platonic Forms arriving at the best Democracy via pure reason.

Republicans have decreed and will continue to decree that Women are not full US Citizens.  That Women have no rights when it comes to reproduction.  That Women are to be controlled by "local political leaders".  But, everyone knows Republicans in control of both House and Senate will pass a law out right banning all Abortions with no exceptions. 

Sexually assaulting women has been a prime plank of the Rape-publican Party platform for many years now, from Republicans mandating unnecessary transvaginal ultrasounds to Sam di Puzzi Alito leading The Supremacist Court to outlaw women's healthcare treatment.

Get Ready America.  Get Ready to Fight; because Republicans are coming for Us.

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