Thursday, September 22, 2022

Alleged Pig fucking Darren Bailey yearns to treat Illinois like he treats his hogs

Now, I don't want to say Darren Bailey fucks Pigs or Darren Bailey fondles Pigs but, it's something that is said.  Therefore, let's just agree to call him Alleged Pig Fucker Darren Bailey.  Alleged Pig Fucking Darren Bailey would be a caricature of a pig fucker if everything coming out of his mouth wasn't hog shit stupid.

Bailey's campaign is so over-the-top with lies, bigotry, and racism you'd think it was being run conservatives.  And Bailey's prime hatchet man Dan Proft is one of the vilest campaign operatives since Karl Rove

Bailey, who's repeated besmirched Chicago and Chicago citizens proclaimed he was going to immerse himself in the city so Bailey rented a penthouse in the Hancock building.  I'm sure Bailey was afraid of being called an Ivory-Tower Elitist so he choose the Hancock because it's black.

Now, alleged pig fucker Darren Bailey sees Chicago in the same way every rich right-winger or Republican does for every large US city.  As economic piggies banks for them to tap into and these cities should be silent, exert no political power, and offer up their largesse for Republicans to take just like landed rural Barons took money from feudal markets on their lands.  Republicans have always sought a return to pre-industrial America, where Rich landed gentry ran the country and those in farms and cities had no say in the matter little alone the franchise to actually vote.  A Return to Neo-Feudalism is what Bailey promises the state.

“The attempted extermination of the Jews of World War II doesn’t even compare on a shadow of the life that has been lost with abortion since its legalization.” - Darren Bailey 2017.  But, All of Darren Bailey's "Jewish friends" agree with him that Abortion was far worse than The Holocaust. *All* his Jewish friends.  This is a horrific statement in toto but, let's focus on the word "alleged".  Adding such a qualifier is a red-flag and something one always hears from Holocaust deniers, especially those who want to keep their denial on the down low while they signal their Neo-Fascist followers.  And whaddaya know?  Darren Bailey is also aligned with Awake Illinois, a Neofascist terrorist group, which the UpRising Bakery assailant, Joseph Collins, was affiliated with and from whom Collins took initiative to sloppily imitate Kristallnacht.

One of the things with modern Republicans is they've learned everything about the past from watching the History Channel or glancing at it occasionally. It shows their paucity of understanding because although Republicans know they are supposed to treat Nazis as the bad guys and not enjoy the Holocaust, But, Republicans are ideologically aligned with the Nazis and support the Mass Murder in general, so it's so damn hard for them not to say nice things about Hitler or reference the Holocaust repeatedly. 

Of course, let's not forget that Bailey was denying the Holocaust while talking about Abortion and Bailey plans to place a total ban on Abortion in the State of Illinois.  Bailey as a bloated pig farmer feels it's his place to make medical decisions for every woman in Illinois and will use the monopoly on force possessed by the State to arrest and imprison those women who dare to seek medical care and those doctors who provide it outside his prerogative.

Of course, alleged pig fucking Darren Bailey tried to blame Governor JB Pritzker for the Highland Park shooting. That's what Republicans do; they undercut government and then blame Democratic officials for Republican malfeasance.  But, this horrific alleged pig fucker in first few hours after the mass shooting, and before Bobby Crimo was in custody, declared, "let's move on and celebrate the independence of this nation." This statement alone should be disqualifying for Office, but it is so indicative of the modern GQP; This doesn't affect me, so I don't care.  And so telling for a Republican candidate who is worried about being asked about their rabid support of guns and the inevitable conclusion of the rightwing plan to flood the Nation with easily obtainable guns.

Bailey made a big fuss throughout Covid by refusing to wear a mask on the State Assembly floor requiring he be removed during the pre-Vaccination year.  And this should panic anyone who gets pork from the Bailey Family Farms, imagine what kind of unhealthy shit, health code violations, and disgusting unsanitary conditions exist down on that pig farm.

Of course, the worst thing about this is that by simply attaching himself to the Republican Party, Bailey has a chance to become Governor of Illinois.  This disgusting bigoted slob has no business anywhere in State-wide politics.  Certainly, I understand how even worse humans gain control of local politics but, the alleged pig fucking Dan Bailey isn't fit to run a pigsty, let alone the State of Illinois.  It's horrific and, what's worse is this election cycle has Republicans as bad as alleged pig fucker Dan Bailey in Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona who seek to take control and run their states as a barbarous Neo-Feudal barony.

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