Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Republicans are Baby Murdering Rapists who love when children are shot to death

"About a third of our population is African American; African Americans have a higher incidence of maternal mortality. So, if you correct our population for race, we’re not as much of an outlier as it’d otherwise appear,” Senator Bill Cassidy told Politico.  "Correct our Population for race" means let a large amount of black women die from lack of prenatal care.

The GOP is a nihilistic death cult hell bent on turning the United States into a Fascist Theocracy.

One of the greatest tricks the GQP pulled was to get the Corporate Media to accept their framing of issues.  Now, this is a little cooked because the current Media is set up to push the agenda of Billionaires and the Rich, just like the Republican Party but, it's also been a great method of letting Republicans claim that their words are the equivalent of actions.  Republicans claim to be pro-life, heavily invested in patriotism, and with an eye towards liberty.  They say these things but, they don't follow through with actions because they don't have to, the words like prayers are enough to satisfy their followers.

Those Empty Thoughts & Worthless Prayers are also the only thing Republicans have to offer to the families of victims of the latest school shootings.  Republicans offer these things up because it is literally the least they can do but, Republicans know the Corporate Media will treat Thoughts & Prayers as equivalent of action.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are simply running out the clock on the latest mass shooting, knowing their bigoted hardcore followers don't care and the rest of the American people are too distracted in dealing with all the problems Republicans created to address gun violence that hasn't yet affected them.

And the Republicans can count on-line vile lying Rightwingers to spread all sorts of lies and misinformation as Alex Jones and others did with We Have to Talk About Sandy Hook, the way Major Traitor Greene stalked Parkland survivor David Hogg in DC and others claimed he wasn't present.  Already Republicans and conservatives are flooding social media with claims the murderer was Transgender (the latest boogeyman the right is using to undermine and destroy the United States).

The Left (in general) failed to respond because since the 1960s the Left saw conservatives cloak themselves in Flag and God so they ceded these things to the Right because of how repugnant conservatives made the concepts of patriotism and religion.  What the Left did not Not understand, unlike the Unionists in the 1860s did, is the American Flag, patriotism, and religion are things you take back from the Fascists.

And make no mistake that's what the Modern Republican Party is; Fascist.  Deeply.  Thoroughly.  And with a keen eye towards inflicting pain and violence on their True Enemies, Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives.

Elected Republicans wake up in the mid-morning after their coke-fueled deviant orgies and contemplate how they can harm Americans and the Nation.  From the most Hate Filled Republican Senator to the most vile TV newsman, Republicans spend every second of every day making things materially and morally worse for Americans because the Conservative Agenda is to Destroy the United States and replace it with their Neo-Confederate Fundamentalist State.

I could fill this entire post with bizarre, violent, hateful, vile, disingenuous, frightening, menacing social media posts, statements, State Laws, radio broadcasts, and Supreme Court ruling which demonstrate how far Fascist the GOP has descended but, to what point?  The Corporate Media is tasked by their owners and operators with helping to advance the Rightwing Agenda and with making it palatable to the large swath of Americans who can't be bothered or are too frazzled and barely hanging on to vote and organize against the Republican Fascist Death Cult.

And that is what Republicans count on.  By consistently making things materially worse for Americans Republicans know they can then blame their recalcitrant undermining of the Nation on the Democratic Party and be assured the Corporate Media will gleefully adopt rightwing taking points.

Note, the Media freakout over the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the ease which Republicans are all allowed to vote against any Governmental effort to address the baby formula shortage while Republicans still get to claim the mantle of Pro-Life.

It's the same way Republicans get to aid the NRA in flooding the Nation with easily obtainable firearms, while undermining Law&Order but, get to be labeled the Pro-Police Party and defenders of children; the very same children Republicans helped murder in the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.  All while blaming the Democratic Party for the damage the Republicans have wrought, as Baby Killer Ted Cruz did in the immediate aftermath.

After the GOP takes control of the House and Senate and enough Governorships through their decades long and time-worn methods of voter discouragement and disenfranchisement; they will have the Governmental edge to outright steal the 2024 Presidential Election and then like all good Fascist Disctatorships will allow the Form to continue even though all elections will be no different than the Saddam Hussein lead Ba'ath Party "democratic" elections.

After the GOP Fascist takeover, the Corporate Media will dutifully carry out their role of hyping the latest Rightwing propaganda and pretending the State of the Nation is the same as it ever was...

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