Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Republicans are Grooming a new crop of Domestic Rightwing Terrorists.

The militias that were cultivated by Republicans in the 1990's prepared the ground for the later more radicalized rightwing domestic terrorists.  This was recognized by the nascent Obama White House which published a definitive analysis in 2009 and prediction of were the threats facing the United States were coming from; rightwing rhetoric, Faux News, conservatives, and Republican Tea Party terrorists.

The right-wingers correctly identified as potentially dangerous flipped out and upped their threats of violence in response.

Of course, conservatives then attempted some direct actions; such as the Bundy Insurrection at the Malheur Bird Sanctuary but, AG Eric Holder and President Obama handled that deftly allowing the assembled wackos to spout and expend their energy fruitlessly and then slowly waited for the group to commit mistakes resulting in their capture.  This strategy was correct even if a rightwing judge threw out the government's case in a miscarriage of justice.

But, the biggest expression of white rightwing violence was demonstrated on 01/06/21 at the Capitol in Washington DC which, except for some lucky breaks and individual acts of bravery, would have resulted in multiple Democratic Congresspersons and Senators being executed and Mike Pence either dying or affirming the false slate of Electors.  Arch-Traitor Trump's 7 hours and 37 minute gap of phone communications indicate there is far more 

And no this is not hyperbole, if you think the Bounty Hunter laws being passed in Texas and the Anti-Trans laws being passed in Florida, and the anti-abortion laws being passed in every Republican control state aren't violence because they've been adopted by State Legislature then you've allowed yourself to be lulled to sleep with the rightwing canard "America is a Nation of Laws";  we aren't.  The United States is a Nation steeped in violence and minority ruling over the majority through unDemocratic means and state violence.  Just remember all these States have also passed Stand Your Ground and Run-Em Down laws designed to indemnify conservatives when they use vigilante violence against protestors.

But, while many Republicans are comfortable and prefer the old ways of passing laws making certain people subjected to the awesome power of state violence (while exempting others from it), the newest batch of Republican psychos is not.  

No for them, they yearn to see Police busting people over the head with batons and imagine armies of Kyle Rittenhouse's executing street justice on all those they categorize as "Others".

And that is what "Grooming", the newest blood libel Republicans are throwing around at every opportunity, is because the newest cohort of Republicans want state sanctioned violence to be used at every opportunity.  This has a two-fold benefit for Republicans; because LGTBQ+ people will either have to face violence from the legal system with little means of recourse or if there is a protest or violent counter-reaction, then Republicans can unleash the full might of Government (as well as Truck driving run'em down enthusiasts) with strict "AntiFa" Laws labelling every Non-MAGA as a terrorist thereby enabling them to round-up millions of Americans.

Because Abraham Lincoln's immortal Cooper Union address remains as potent today as when he gave it in 1860; Conservatives and the GOP are all in for 2022 and 2024 with their agenda of Rule or Ruin;

Your purpose, then, plainly stated, is that you will destroy the Government, unless you be allowed to construe and enforce the Constitution as you please, on all points in dispute between you and us. You will rule or ruin in all events.

Therefore, it has fallen to Us, We, the People to stand up and face down the rightwing terrorists who are coming for us.  As Lincoln as said,

Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by menaces of destruction to the Government nor of dungeons to ourselves.


Don't expect charges of hypocrisy to blunt the rightwing Grooming agitprop campaign, as at the same time every Republican slapdick is shouting 'CRT, Antifa, Grooming', Tennessee Republicans have crafted a new Super Special Straight Wedding Law which has no minimum age for marriage.  

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