Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Illinois Active Shooter School Shooting Drills don't work and are a trauma inducing event

A fascinating aspect of human psychology is the difficulty in dropping a prized theory.  For instance training people to face an active shooter.  Everyone wants to believe that practice with men clomping around swearing with loud bangs, screams and simunitions will allow people to break out of a freeze response and fight or flee.

Tom Clancy loved this theory and incorporated it into Jack Ryan's pistol training in the novel Patriot Games (1987).  After healing from the IRA attack in London, Ryan goes to meet Sgt Maj Noah Breckenridge and finds himself in a darkened room without explanation.  Breckenridge throws two firecrackers at him and screams for him to engage his target.  Ryan's first shots are misses but, Jack recovers and hits center mass.

This concept of "reality-based" training found it's way to schools.  Multiple states adopted "Active Shooter" simulation training and in 2019, the Illinois legislature adopted the same.  Well, the reality is people play-acting murdering students didn't prepare the children to respond to school shootings but, instead traumatized the fuck out of them.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (Ace's) is a detailed guide to common traumas facing children.  It's an extremely important aspect of studying children's pyschology because Ace's is a very important determining factor for later life struggles.  This is, of course, coupled with the ludicrous and murderous conservative doctrine of encouraging babies to rush the shooter.   And you have a receipt for sociological ills and the continuation of traumatized children growing into broken adults.  Of course, in the United States what must never happen is guns must never ever be hurt or inconvenienced.  Also, it's totally fucking cool to stalk victims of school shootings on the street like Perjury Traitor Greene did with David Hogg or crap your Alex Jones inspired theory that all school shootings are false flags all over Twitter*.

It's also useless to conduct a couple active shooting drills a year as if they are fire or tornado drills, where you orderly line-up and march outside to your pre-planned rally point or hunker down under a desk.  In order for any reactions to a chaotic school shooting to become second nature you need to train all the time, like a Jocko Willink or Pat McNamara.  So, while it feels like such active shooter training should work reality shows it doesn't.
*- Now that Elon Musk has "purchased" Twitter, Free Speech demands that all gun nut propaganda and threats of violence towards gun control activists never shall be infringed!

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