Monday, March 14, 2022

The Revenge of the Thin Blue Line 17: Orange you glad Dirty John Catanzara is the FOP President?

One of the absolutely, mind-boggling, infuriating things about Corporate Media is their seeming inability to google someone before they invite them on air to spout rightwing propaganda and lies.  Enter Dirty John Catanzara, President of the Chicago FOP Lodge 7.  After the shooting of Adam Toledo last year, Catanzara was contacted by numerous media outlets for his view of the shooting.  At the time Catanzara hadn't been a cop for over a year.  Because Dirty John Catanzara was relieved of Police powers and duties in May 2020.  Then facing termination last year, Dirty John was allowed to officially retire.  Sadly, the shitbag refused to step down as President of his Lodge, intending to stay on until his term expires in 2023. 

The Orange shirt barely fits his gut
but those pants are almost worse
So, yesterday at the Northwest Irish Parade John Catanzara wore an orange shirt.  (Note the Northside not the Southside).  This is a deliberate provocation and unlike when Catanzara posted "Let's Go Brandon!!!" or expressed his admiration and support for the January 6th terrorists, this insulting action isn't going to gain him many fans amongst the old school Chicago Police community and the historical Irish community in Chicago.

In case anyone doesn't know, wearing Orange on or about Saint Patrick's Day isn't an accidental move but, an insulting declaration and incitement to most people of Irish ancestry.  But, this is America!  And the joy of being a right-winger in America is having No Memory.

Then you can claim there's no systemic racism.  You can deny societal impacts of Republican policies.  You can ignore the history of the American Petroleum Institute and blame President Biden for gas prices.  Because everything just happens Ex Nihilo.

Catanzara got away with a career of misconduct because people forget or don't care to know.  Of course, Catanzara could be claiming to be a Loyalist to the British Crown... as Dirty John is definitely a traitor.


Incidentally, the candidate's shirt Dirty John is wearing is Chicago Police Detective Erin Jones who's challenging incumbent Robert Martwick for Illinois 10th district State Senate as a Democrat.  Detective Erin Jones doesn't have any sustained police misconduct allegations.  But, Jones was involved in some racially charged kerfuffle with former Chicago Alderman Arena over Jones' alleged racist social media comments in 2018. 

Of course, Erin Jones is one of those bad faith Chicago conservative who, despite being a 2018 Republican precinct captain and posting in 2020 the Democratic Party is a worse enemy than China, North Korea, or Russia pretends to be a Democrat to try and win an election.

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