Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Tsar Vladimir II (Russia annexes the Donbas region of Ukraine) Loathsome Trump approves

Russian military forces have invaded Ukraine to ostensibly defend the two separatist regions in the Donbas created by the Vladimir Putin 2014 engineered crisis.  Russian diplomats and Putin have declared the proto-republics are "ancient Russian lands" and Ukraine itself has no right to Statehood.  A question of why Vladimir Putin decided to invade Ukraine now, instead of when his pliant poodle was in power in the United States?  This question forgets that Traitor Trump was in the process of dismantling NATO through his blustering and blundering and at the bidding of Putin. 

Donbas area seized by Russia

Remember how odd it was when Donald John Trump was attacking NATO so vociferously?  Went out of his way to spew all sorts of shit at NATO conferences and even discussed unilaterally pulling the United States out?  Putin expected Donnie Two-Scoops to continue undermining NATO.  TFG's re-election would have undoubtedly put him on a path to pulling the United States out of NATO completely and thus leaving Alliance effectively neutralized.    If not for the Covid Pandemic, this on-going invasion and piecemeal annexation of Ukraine probably would have happened 2+ years ago.

Also never forget Donnie Traitor Trump sought to entice President Zelensky to fabricate a Ukrainian scandal involving Joe and/or Hunter Biden.  Of course, Zelensky would have learned very quickly that Trump doesn't pay those who do dirty work for him (as Jim Comes found out) and Trump would have turned a blind eye to Putin's rapacious recreation of Imperial Mother Russia.

It's no secret, Putin has sought to reinvigorate Russia through successful military conflicts, standing up to America, and having the Russian people view his own personal strength as a reflection of Russia's power and influence.  As to whether Putin imagines himself an inheritor to the Tsar of All the Russias or a heir to Stalin it makes no difference.

Putin started his tough guy rise when he responded to the 1999 Second Chechen War with "rub them out in the outhouse."  Since then, he flexed Russia's military might in 2008 in Georgia, with the annexation of Crimea in 2014.  Add in the stymying of President Obama in Syria when Russia successfully defended Assad despite his use of chemical weapons and war crimes.  (In this Putin has been helped immensely by the American dirtbag left and such perfidious reactionaries like Tulsi Gabbard and of course, the entire Republican Party which idolizes Vlad's "strength").  

But, the while the Pro-Putin GOP fumbles with how to blame Biden, the dirtbag left is clearly on board with the domestic abusers language of blaming NATO (and the US) for Russian aggression.  Unsurpisingly, the dirtbag left not only blames Biden but, casually dismisses the suffering the Ukrainian people are going to go through at the hands of an Authoritarian dictator's war of aggression.

Fortunately, President Biden, continues to ignore the non-stop twitter trolling from so-called leftist bros and has smartly and bravely, reinvigorated US leadership of NATO.  This, has strengthened the backbone of the new German Chancellor Olaf Scholz who announced the first major sanction against Putin's aggression.  Smartly, President Biden, the EU and NATO have started with low-level responses, instead of leading with a Sunday Punch, and relying on a slow tightening.

It probably won't be enough.  Putin took a bite of Ukraine in 2014 and now will work on consolidating this chunk. 

The Loathsome Traitor TFG had an on-air orgasm praising Putin,
“I said, ‘This is genius,'” Trump said on a right-wing podcast. “Putin declared a big portion of … Ukraine … as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. … I said, ‘How smart is that?’ And he’s going to go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s strongest peace force. … We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re going to keep the peace all right. Here’s a guy who’s very savvy … I know him very well. Very, very well.”

And Matt Gertz on Twitter has already staked out what the Treasonous GOP response will be attack Biden from both ends.  Republicans see Putin's Fascism and weep for what they don't have here... yet...


  1. I think he would be Tsar Vladimir III

  2. Ah Misfit! Makes sense as I recall George Bush II the Worst looking into Killer KGB Kolonel Vlad's eyes and seeing a fellow Christian Soldier.

  3. Your still the ssme IDIOT. That you were years ago when you wrote comments on ghat ASS-HOLE SHAS Log.
    Only now your a BIGGER ASSHOLE because you agree with her

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your still the same IDIOT. That you were years ago when you wrote comments on ghat ASS-HOLE SHAWS Blog.
    Only now your a BIGGER ASSHOLE because you agree with her


  6. Honk if you think that Grung_e_Gene is a complete Moronic Dick-Faced Pony!



  7. Tom is clearly having problems and Honky Joseph responded to the wrong post.

  8. Sorry Gunga Din, There wasn’t any mistake made,
    I just think that YOU ARE A DICK FACED PONY!


  9. Conservatives invariably leave racist comments. Big-Ot Joseph...
