Monday, February 14, 2022

Honk to Unmask the Kids

The official Republican position on Masks is: they do incalculable harm to children both physically and developmentally and are Tyranny.  Books, too.  The Republican position on guns and school shootings is dead children is the price of freedom.

I'm not going to relitigate the school shooting debate; We, the People lost that one.  The NRA, gun manufacturers and unrestricted gun violence advocates were victorious.  More guns is always the answer...

There were several protests of Schools and school districts Friday by rich white people.  Arriving in their $75,000 vehicles and wearing the ubiquitous expensive puffy 3/4 length jackets gaggles of entitled white women demand you Honk to Unmask the kids... 

Some of the school kids on the bus unimpressed by the Murder of Karens proceeded to "flip off the grown-ups in unison" as they passed by the protest.  Back in my day, we would've mooned them.

These actions would seem to be hypocritical from the crowd which always intones Just Follow the Rules until you understand that conservatives firmly believe rules don't apply to them.  Rules and Laws and Police exist to protect them and keep The Other in check.
This dynamic plays out everyday, in hundreds of cities and towns, and thousands of interactions. 

The entire controversy over Masks is a giant explosion of the pouting privileged taking umbrage at the effrontery of having to follow rules they! don't! want! too! follow!

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