Monday, January 24, 2022

Madison Cawthorn spends his time fixing his guns not his marriage

"He's a child. He lacks common sense.  I think the congressman was overcompensating for something that he lacks and feeling inadequate among the heroes on that call." - John Feal accurately describes Madison Cawthorn.

In light of Mad Nazi Cawthorn visibly stroking his death-cock, by performatively "cleaning" his gun on a Zoom call for the House Veterans' Affairs Committee, I think it's time to repost a "corrected" version of last year's post about Cawthorn and his wife.  Early in January an unknown person complained to blogger my post about Cawthorn contained "Misinformation" and it was removed.

So here is a corrected account, which in my defense contains direct quotes from Cawthorn about the how, where, when and why he met his now ex-wife:

First, my theory Madison Cawthorn was groomed by the FSB is currently Not Proven.  And as evidence I am not posting misinformation Here's the video of Cawthorn's summer 2020 interview with Daily Caller TV, and how he, himself described the whole thing:
As Cawthorn recounts, "that is a long story I don't know if we have time..." the blonde rightwing bimbo interjects to ask if it was on Tinder (OMFG), Cawthorn laughs and then states, "No. It all starts in a Russian Casino..."  Cawthorn by his account was going for one last fling with a bunch of friends taking a boat to St. Petersburg and wandered into a Casino where he "ended up meeting An American" named Todd, who just so happened to be an Army Captain from Miami.  Todd and Mad Nazi Cawthorn "hit it off" and "stayed in contact" until a year and half later when Todd invited the paraplegic Cawthorn to compete in a Crossfit Competition in Miami.  Cawthorn by his own admission admits it was "a sham", a "fake CrossFit competition" and Todd just wanted to "put me in the same room with the girl who became my fiancé". 

I don't believe "Army Captain Todd" is a real American Army Captain at all.  However, Cawthorn's claim "Todd" is from Miami gives me pause, because nearby across from Miami, Florida Mike Flynn has set up an armed compound full of sycophants and rightwing paramilitary wannabes.  It's conceivable Army Captain Todd is a member of Flynn's circle of admirers.  But, I've never heard a more simultaneously lurid and childlike recounting of a possible recruiting scenario than the interview Cawthorn freely gave in June 2020.  Tom Clancy couldn't write a more obvious recruitment story for one of his bloated books.  Red Sparrow (2018) and Spy Game (2001) have a less obvious storylines.  

As to Cawthorn's former spouse, leaving aside my contention about GRU or FSB, it sadly appears Cawthorn's marriage was an unhappy one.  Obviously, you never know what's going on behind the scenes in a marriage and I hope neither party was subjected to emotional or physical abuse, but Representative  Cawthorn is certainly abusing the Nation with his antics and actions as a US Congressman.

However, even if Cawthorn wasn't recruited on his very strange trip to Russia would his vile harmful actions as an elected Congressman be any different?  Because Cawthorn is the epitome of a Modern Republican; Stupid, venal, violent, incurious, unaccomplished, a liar, an alleged sex pest, and a Fvcking Traitor.

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