Monday, December 13, 2021

The United States 2021: A Break the glass moment.

Representative Sean Casten held a small event in which he spoke about the threat we are facing from the lawless authoritarian Republican Party.  While Congressman Casten highlighted the bureaucratic roadblocks he did not shy away from invoking the Civil War.  Specifically, uttering the chilling phrase "break the glass moment". 

The Trump administration and their Republican allies planned a Coup, with a snappy Powerpoint presentation, outlining multiple methods of bureaucratic chicanery in their planned attack on Democracy and to overthrow the US Government.  On Jan 6th, Trump roused his hand-picked mob, to give his crimes a sheen of a popular uprising, as he hoped Pence would overthrow President Biden's November victory and if Pence wouldn't do it on his own accord well then his wonderful Insurrectionists would make it legal.  But, this isn't just about the Trump Golpe de Estado attempt (which everyone around Traitor Trump knew was a massive MAGA crime) but, also about how the Republican Party long ago jettisoned their commitment to elections or representation to the Nation.

Faced with losing elections, Republicans made the time honored authoritarian decision to pick their own voters, since voters won't pick them.  Faced with the problem of legislation, Republicans decided to let special interests and lobbying groups for the Rich and powerful write their legislation.  Faced with the will of the people being completely against them, Republicans have stolen the Supreme Court to ensure, their 5 Injustices undermine any future limitations upon them and retroactively undo past achievements. 

I have no doubt the Democrats in Congress understand the danger they, the Nation, and We the People are facing.  I also think Democrats are afraid.  And rightly so.  Because many Republicans are waiting, yearning, begging for anything they can use as a Casus Belli and begin slaughtering the Non-MAGA. 

Everyone is mad Merrick Garland, Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic leadership et al haven't announced the expulsions, Impeachments, and arrests of Trump, his cronies and Republicans in Congress and the Supreme Court.  But, it should be obvious that those moves are the Casus Belli Republicans are waiting for and will usher in violence from the right.

So... we wait.  The current election is always the most important election.  Republicans think their legerdemain and voting suppression will garner them the House and Senate in 2022 and they can quash the investigations.  Democrats hope the steady flow of damning evidence will lead to more and more arrests and prosecutions.

But, the Republican Party is a fully Fascist organization now.  The current young Republicans are third generation to grow up, fully immersed in the non-stop barrage of rightwing lies and propaganda.  Republicans are growing more and more comfortable with the prospect of Violence to achieve political power.  There are thousands of conservatives who want to drop liberals from helicopters, who want to go to any rally or demonstration and shoot people.  There are millions more conservatives who would willingly go along.

Republicans already launched the first salvo on January 6th...

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