Sunday, December 12, 2021

Republican Thomas Massie takes aim at Kentucky Tornadoes

 Fuck you I got mine - Republican maxim.

Kentucky and several other states got hammered with tornadoes in December and yes tornadoes can happen at any month in the United States but, December tornadoes are rare.  And tornadoes this extreme and destructive are even more rare.  As with all extreme weather events, fueled by climate change, this 30 plus funnels, 4-state wide, 200+ long mile rampage has eclipsed or set records.  And sadly, this event proved deadly, as 70 or more people are feared dead.  

In steps Republican Congressman Thomas Massie, famous as of late for his Rand Paul hair, thin prick gun waving Christmas card.  Massie throughout his 10 year tenure has made a name for himself by voting against every federal disaster relief package for any US community.  Except for Kentucky because then like a good Ayn Rand cultist he smugly proclaims its' not cheating when I take government money.

President Joe Biden is a good and decent man.  He's not going to play games, make snide comments, or delay any federal funding needed for disaster relief.  But, I don't know how a society can survive when people continue to vote into office despicable pukes like Massie who are more than willing to try and submarine disaster relief to others while knowing the Representatives of communities he stabs in the back will not play tit-for-tat because this isn't game theory but, peoples lives and well-being being affected. 

I don't know how Democrats can govern an electorate which is not only willing but, enthusiastic to vote in the likes of Massie. Or Boebert or Greene or Gohmert or Cawthorn.  Republicans are rapidly circling the accretion disc towards the naked singularity of full-on fascism.  "There enlies the problem"...


  1. Yes and since next to nothing is being done. Reminds me in a way of Sheen line in Apocalypse Now "and Charlie squats in the bush and gets stronger".

    These fuckers are getting stronger every day and need not hide their fascist behavior.

    Media could make the difference but they are them too!

  2. One Fly,

    I don't know how We can overcome the Corporate Media obsession to both sides everything or treat outright criminal Republican perfidy as just normal politics. It's important to document their bullshit but, complaining about doesn't work.
