Monday, December 20, 2021

As the Coronavirus bill comes due; will the Trump led Republican Party stiff conservatives?

Only the ghost of Tamerlane is responsible for more deaths than Ron DeathSantis, Major Traitor Greene, Donald Trump, and the Republican Party.  The Republican Party has, through fits and starts, slowly but, inexorably become Pro-Covid Death Cult.  The Masque of the Red Brain Dead... but my natural immunity! (There is no such thing)

Trump's entire life has been about him not paying his bills.  His rabid base doesn't have that luxury when it comes to Covid.  In fact, many dire warnings concerning Omicron (Oo) seem to indicate the unvaccinated are going to be killed off in continued climbing numbers.  

A large cohort of so-called Republicans are not vaccinated and do not plan to be.  And even the bloated Trump himself can not convince them to get vaccinated. 

The coming post-Christmas bill of Coronavirus will kill thousands of deluded rightwing drones.  It's already exacting a heavy toll on elected Republicans.  But, it's also clear that some Republicans are marks and some Republicans are making a killing

Here's Sarah Palin telling the Turning Point Traitors she'll be vaccinated "over her dead body".  Ironic hilarity aside, Palin allegedly had Covid in April of 2021 and since then she's had the epiphany there is money and power to be made in telling conservatives the very mild, incredibly sensible, hardly inconvenient, and life-saving vaccine & mask mandates are the height of tyranny.

There's no point in being coy; Republicans see a huge political upside to the continued Covid Pandemic and are willing to sacrifice large number of their voters, some small fish Republicans, and conservatives writ large to reap the reward.

And apparently, Rose Twitter (A Twitter Account with a Rose is a Magat by any other name), has lost their minds when the WhiteHouse.Gov website put out an entirely accurate post those who choose not to get vaccinated will face the likelihood of death from Omicron (Oo).  Rose Brocialists are going to be FORCED to preemptively declare they don't support Joe Biden AGAIN and are being forced to vote for the Fascists as they did in 2016 and 2020 YET AGAIN!

I can only hope this Reddit story from two weeks ago about a Doctor of 30 years, a 38 year old father dying of Covid and his pyscho wife is fantasy.

1 comment:

  1. It's hit the point with the Magats that I'm hoping they keep right on refusing any and all sane help and do us all the favor of dying, preferably quickly so they're less of a drain on the system. The only thing that disturbs me is their willful stupidity has collateral damage, like the report you linked to from the doctor who's decided to retire rather than deal with any more ignorance and hate.
