Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The immovable IG Report meets the irresistible Rightwing propaganda

The shockingly shameful circus on display during the Trump Impeachment Hearings has now confirmed the entire Republican Party is naught but a criminal conspiracy.

Immediately upon release of the almost 500 pages of the Horowitz Inspector General Report, Republicans were running with the same playbook as the Mueller Report; We told you! Total Exoneration! Shocking corruption by the Democrats! No Collusion! We told you! Clinton and Obama and Ukraine and Russia spied on Trump! Coup Attempt! Government overthow!

Conservatives couldn't tell a Coup d'etat from a Coupe DeVille.

This is a morally bankrupt and wholly disingenuous display but sound strategy by the Republicans. A handful of conservatives are going to actually read the report and most of those are bad faith actors who will elide or obfuscate on the true findings to present "bleeding chunks" of the report selectively to the Barbarian horde of #MAGA. From there the army of  Twitter MAGA will flood every avenue of social media to ensure the lies and falsehoods presented by AG Bill Barr, Faux News, Hate Radio, and the rightwing disinformation machine are repeated over and over and over and over and over. 

The truth of the report will be lost in the flood of rightwing propaganda and screams of Fake News!

Every topic of American life is subject to these up-is-down, black-is-white bad faith Republican arguments; from healthcare, to the environment, the 2nd Amendment to Education. This wholesale bad faith by the Republicans is not something the Democratic Party, the apparatus of Government, the foundational documents, the Nation, or We the People can withstand. Especially, since the Republicans have weaponized their bad faith arguments to rile up the Reactionary #MAGAts. And conservatives no longer need to receive Republican propaganda from on high; they've long adopted techniques of self-radicaliztion.

Even this short New Republic article is far too long and far too nuanced for Trumpublicans too read when tweets from Chuck Grassley, Lou Dobbs, or the Chosen One himself declare the Obama FBI and Ukraine tried to steal the 2016 election. This is the Endgame everyone. There is no way back from this. 


  1. sure there is. they'll be gone in less than a year.πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ₯€πŸ‘»

  2. I certainly hope so. I is most assuredly up to We, the People to save ourselves.. Everyone who put their faith in Mueller was deluding themselves. The apparatus of Government via Impeachment is not designed to deal with this nor will the wholly compromised Republican Party do anything which jeopardizes their power. 2020 is probably the last hope because the time to stop the destruction of the Nation was 2016 but, leftier-than-thou types couldn't sully themselves to stop a Pawn of Russian Pimps and Gangsters from ending the Nation.

  3. rant incoming

    1. Russia has mastered the use of social media and big data against those who oppose trump

    2. the trumpites are radicalized idiots who'd rather see the nation burn before their "savior" is impeached.

    3. if trump is not impeached and he wins 2020, we might end up in a francoist spain type of aftermath.

    4. Mark Zuckerburg should be imprisoned for life for creating the tool that is being used against the american people.

    5. We are technically at war with Russia, and we have been non violently taken over and conquered by russia.

    6. Americans are too concerned with tribal politics and identity politics ex. Bernie Bros and Yang Gang, favorite candidates that they'd rather vote for independents if their candidate loses.

    7. Americans are too into their smartphones and social media to even try to get politically active and recognize that we are in a state of war that we are losing badly.

  4. Not a rant Anonymous but, a good recap.

    1) Yes, hard power won WWII for the USSR, but the proxy wars the Soviets tried during the Cold War ended up bankrupting them. By adopting a soft power successfully and then getting everyone to know while blithely denying it they doubled their use of information warfare.
    2) The Magat Horde is begging to be unleashed to murder millions and they will couch it in defending themselves from ANTIFA while stopping the Coup Attempt.
    3) Yes, the US will be a de facto fascist power just waiting for the Republican SCOTUS to make The USA a de sure fascist Nation-State.
    4) Zuck and the big data mining conglomerates are unconstrained by the People and their Governments.
    5) The GOP would disagree they sided with the Russian Pimps and Gangsters against their REAL enemy, the liberals, feminists, Teachers, LGBTQ, minorities in order to Return America to its' Founding Ideals
    6) The Dirtbag and Boatshoe Leftists did no good in 2016 but, aren't responsible for Traitor Trump's Election but, then they aren't being harmed by the Magat Horde yet...
    7) Most people are burdened by the hollowing out of the Nation's economic future by the ravages of Piss Down Your Back Neoliberalism, and have turned to drugs and mindless distractions to deal with he pain. Corporate Bondage waits for millions post 2020 if Trump is returned to the White House.
