Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Meet the Press and The New York Times proves there are but, 4 Media Stories

While the Media has been relentlessly trying to tamp down Elizabeth Warren, prop up Mayor Pete, justify Tulsi Gabbard, and dallying in rightwing Biden conspiracies, they are furiously interviewing Republicans about the Impeachment and consistently trying to publish the Trump became President Pivot story. Most Impeachment stories are focused on why the Democrats can't get it done!

The unfortunate truth is there are only 4 story templates the Media runs with:
  1. #BothSidesDoIt
  2. What do Trump Voters think?
  3. Today... Trump, truly, became President
  4. Democrats in Disarray!!!
It's awful the level the Media is willing to overlook Republican Perfidy and attempt to spin rightwing propaganda into a real story. Republicans have perfected the Art of Working the Media. They learned their lessons from Vietnam and Nixon. After those defeats conservatives decided they would never, ever, again let the Media ruin their narrative. Thus they created the Rightwing Wurlitzer of #AlternativeFacts relentlessly regurgitated by Toxic Talk Radio, Faux News, and now the unmoderated Agitprop of the Rightwing Social Media ID.

And viola here is The New York Times running with a bothsider argument vis-a-vis Impeachment. From the Twitter of Jay Rosen:
And here Meet The Press rustles up every Trumpublican they can find to ask them, the Real America, what they think about all this Impeachment rigamarole and hub-bub. This staged event is bad but, then it took place at Brewery Vivant who's Frenchstyle Farmhouse Ale is c'est magnifique. The Republicans Chuck Todd specifically picked and bussed into the Brewery aren't indicative of the region and Emptywheel decided to speak to actual residents and bar patrons who while enjoying the fantastic beers also gave a much different accounting of the rising support for Impeachment.

As Driftglass so artfully says when the Media is faced with irrefutable Republican Treachery, They both sides the shit out of it!  I could say it's shameful but, then it isn't when you realize whom the Media actually serve you realize that they will never, ever report the truth about the Trump Maladministration; the worst criminal enterprise to ever shamble into the White House and whose tiny grifting fingers are going to make off with billions looted from the Department of Treasury and Department of Defense, while also burning and undermining everything they touch.

DJ Traitor Trump is the Reverse Midas of the Reverse House of Lannister; everything he touches turns to shit and he never pays his debts. But, while he's engaged in this FSB/GRU Russian backed campaign of destruction the media will never report it as such, instead they will find some Zealous Infowars Host, dub him a Regular Joe the Plumber and broadcast his fanatical Civil War fantasies.

But, complaining about the Media is not a winning strategy for Us. It works for Trump because 40 years of ground work has been laid to ensure no "reporter" ever strays far from the rightwing narrative and at worst the News report views differ and Republican lies are massaged by the Media into 'truthiness'. Instead, we are going to have to win by pounding the pavement and getting people to vote for the Democratic nominee and every other Democrat we can because, Teaparty darling Justin Amash aside, no Republican is going to break with Trump.


  1. Gene -- your four story templates for the media is right on. I always go back to Masha Gessen's rules for surviving an autocracy, one of which is that institutions like the media won't save us. As you say, a balls-to-the-wall effort in 2020 taking it upon ourselves to clean out the traitors and criminals is how we have to do it.

  2. It's up to Us to save ourselves from the Fascists. Trump 6 page Unabomber Letter to Congress shows he's moving closer to calling, "Kill them all Maga..."

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. delete the message above me,

    I seriously hope trump doesn't try to incite a civil war, I had a dream this morning that I was killed by someone described as a literal nazi in the media. We need to impeach this toddler NOW.

  5. Anon, thanks for the comment. Also I do see the above Spam, but I think there's a banal blog post inside that piece of "junk email". As we enter 2020 I find it difficult to believe such scams still work... yet since there is next to nothing in terms of cost in spamming millions (if not billions) of these comments perhaps I "misunderestimate" them.
