Saturday, November 2, 2019

On Halloween, Andy Ngo conjures up some Antifa Boogeymen

Andy Ngo posted a youtube video purporting to be his home security footage. Ngo's video title is: CCTV: Antifa showed up to my family's home and the caption declares;
These six goons wearing print-out masks of my face approached my family's home at night on 31 Oct. 2019. They repeatedly rang the doorbell, pounded on the window, recorded footage of the property and gestured at the cameras. There were no candy bags. 
And the comments on Ngo's facebook post and youtube video are all the same; Hi-Point, this is what shotguns are for, second amendment, I wish they would come to my house, buy an ar15, stage the murder correctly, we can't let antifa get away with this... Conservatives yearning to murder.
Ngo is a well-documented fabulist. Ngo created the "cement-milkshake" lie during the Portland protests. Ngo claimed he was a simple journalist viciously attacked without provocation by Antifa. This garnered him multiple tv appearances on Faux and other rightwing propaganda outfits and... money.

Of course, the truth wasn't on Andy Ngo's side, in reality Ngo was fully involved in the Fascist group Patriot Prayer's plan of attacking protesters, including recording the resulting melee and of course, editorializing and portraying Antifa as the evil instigators who attacked without provocation.
Another person he includes in the “grifter” category: Andy Ngo, a conservative writer who’s built a Twitter persona around filming fights between antifa and right-wing extremists (that, and trying to convince people that hate crime allegations raised by LGBTQ+ Portlanders are simply “hoaxes”).

Ngo tags along with Patriot Prayer during demonstrations, hoping to catch footage of an altercation. Ben says Ngo doesn’t film Patriot Prayer protesters discussing strategies or motives. He only turns his camera on when members of antifa enter the scene.

“There’s an understanding,” he says, “that Patriot Prayer protects him and he protects them.”
In football, it's the old instigator technique. Football players before hi-def video used to be able to get away with committing an egregious infraction and when the other player retaliated and was caught by the referees, enjoy having him get penalized. The announcers, often old players themselves, would always say, it's always the guy who retaliates who gets caught.

Therefore, I tend to believe Ngo and some of his rightwing Hatriot extremist friends staged this incident with literal boogeymen. Ngo's whole MO is to lie and fabricate about Antifa. Coupling this with Ted Cruz's crusade to get Antifa labelled a Terrorist Group, conservatives are gearing up to do what they love the most; rounding-up and murdering millions under the guise of self-protection.

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