Saturday, November 23, 2019

Missing W, Notes of Failure, and a Picture of Trump

The rightwing internet must be kept in a constant state of agitation and nothing gets the rightwing morans excited then tales of Liberal Incivility.

The W(orst POTUS Ever) Regime prior to the massive failure of 9/11 propagated the preposterous lie the out-going Clinton Administration had stolen all the "W"s from the keyboards. The Traitor Trump Cabal has now injected two ridiculous, absurd falsehoods into the treasonous conservative bloodstream;
"But this ambassador that, you know, everybody says is so wonderful, she wouldn’t hang my picture in the embassy. OK? She’s in charge of the embassy, she wouldn’t hang it. It took like a year and a half or two years to get the picture up. She said bad things about me, she wouldn’t defend me. - Trump took an hour out of his busy schedule to complain to Fox & Friends." 
Ludicrous. Untrue. Delusional. Additionally, the new White House Non-spokeswoman claimed the out-going Obama Administration had left mean notes taped up throughout the White House.
"We came into the White House, I’ll tell you something. Every office was filled with Obama books, and we had notes left behind that said, ‘You will fail,’ ‘You aren’t going to make it,’" Stephanie Grisham
3 other unnamed Trump apparatchiks claimed Obama even left Russian Vodka in desk drawers!

Too bad Grisham is facing the internet of 2019 and not 2001 because this disgusting rightwing lie was immediately debunked by former Obama staff members and Grisham herself walked back the claim, which her traitorous boss would never have done. Trump would have doubled, tripled, quadrupled, quintupled down as he always does on his lies because Trump understands; conservatives love lies and hate America. Understand no matter how often it is debunked or how many walk-backs are done, many conservatives will always believe the lies and propaganda they are feed by Hate Radio, Faux News, and the rightwing internet agitprop factory so they may nurse that grudge against the Left.

But, the dissemination of these lies, lies intended to enflame conservatives, is the whole reason the United States now has a rapist racist mob-adjacent traitor in the White House. Conservatives have broadcast their hatred and desires on open-source radio and internet for decades. All the FSB, GRU, and other foreign intelligence agency had to do was listen and then ape the Reactionary rhetoric sprinkled with untruths in order to completely control conservatives.

FSB spy Maria Butina was able to direct the NRA, get them to accept tens of millions of dollars of Russian gangster money, while amassing a collage of tiny rightwing dick pics for Vladimir Putin. Butina even got to "ask" a question of Traitor Trump early on in his campaign,
"I'm from Russia. ... My question will be about foreign politics. If you would be elected as a president, what will be your foreign politics especially in relationship with my country? And do you want to continue the politics of sanctions that are damaging of both economy [sic] or do you have other ideas?"
A direct order for Vlad Putin? Probably. And that is where we are today. Conservatives are controlled by foreign intelligence agencies and rapidly repeat any Russian crafted lie fed into the rightwing bloodstream, such as the 'I hired Trump to fire people like Yovanovich' which trended on twitter and was crafted by the FSB.

At this point Conservatives are a lost cause. Just as they did in 1861, conservatives are yearning to attack America and kill people. Hopefully the vast undecided middle, which sat out the 2016 election will decide to vote in 2020, kicking the Traitor out of the White House.

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