Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Second President of the Confederacy D.J. Trump declares Civil War 2.0

The Confederacy is not a place; it's a people. - Trump All Father
As I predicted, faced with his legal removal Trump has decided threatening violence and stoking civil war is his best recourse. He raised the Spectre of a COUP in his beyond outrageous tweeter feed. BTW, fuck you @ Jack Dorsey for your platform which is overrun with fascists and is amplifying Trump's incitements. Twitter does have a clear bias and it's for The Fash. 

Of course, while Twitler screeches 'Coup' 'Coup' 'Coup', like a syphilitic rooster, I must at least point out the Conservative Maga Horde could not tell a Coup d'etat from a Coupe DeVille. Edward Luttwak defines a Coup d'etat as "the infiltration of a small but critical segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder." (Coup d'Etat pg.12)

Nor is this a Putsch or Pronunciamiento or Cuartelazo or any other term for an overthrow of a government. But, the Oathbreakers and III Inch Penises and other rightwing paramilitary domestic terrorists stand ready to slaughter Americans.

This is beyond reckless and beyond outrageous and beyond whatever other modifier you want to attach. But, here we are... Trump is just the figurehead for the culmination of 50 years of evil rightwing hatred, policy agenda, and propaganda efforts.

Conservatives learned lessons form Vietnam and Watergate. They will never allow another Republican President to be impeached no matter what crimes President Trump has committed and is committing.

Conservatives also adopted the IOKIYAR It's Okay If You're a Republican) defense. Roy Moore, Gym Jordan, Brett Kavanugh's offenses were all ignored and an active smear campaign defense was adopted because these men are dutiful warriors helping to advance the rightwing agenda of intolerance and oppression. These Rape-publcians knew never to apologize but, to instead attack their victims and accusers.

The other lesson conservatives learned that all the talk about Demographic destiny and long-term damage to a Party is nonsense. There is no Long Term only Short Term. Win now and by the time the next election rolls around the fallout from your destructive victory back then will be forgotten or overshadowed by the current crisis. George W. Bush's criminal maladministration should have shunted the Republican Party to the political wilderness for a generation yet after losing in 2006 and 2008 they roared back into power in 2010 and hamstrung Barack Obama's Presidency, dutifully aided by the Media who also helped propel Traitor D.J. Trump into a viable candidate.

Of course, this underplays the True Coup which has been going on for decades in America. The Republican Party routinely loses elections but, due to their masterful skill at manipulating the Apparatus of Government routinely get control of the Government. Republicans have lost 5 of the last 6 Presidential Elections yet it hasn't slowed or reversed their Ultra-Reactionary policies. Republicans often receive less overall votes for State and Federal Legislatures but because of their voter suppression and unlawful district mapping programs win more seats.

The True Coup, the long term slow moving Coup, has been the Republican Party maintaining and gaining more and more political power and control as their voting base shrinks.

Now, faced with the real prospect of having their Chosen One, the Racist Rapist selected by the Electoral Collage for the White House, removed conservatives are turning back to their tried and true lever of controlling the Government; Violence.

Conservatives are aching, yearning, waiting for the order to begin killing the Non-#Maga. And before you dismiss this because the rightwing domestic terrorists have no planes and no tanks understand: the Arch-Traitor Oathkeepers don't believe they will beat the U.S. Army, they believe as their sporadic acts of rightwing terror unfold and morph into full-blown Civil War, the U.S. Army will join them.


  1. Those pussys will just get their asses beat again!

  2. JC, the Oathbreakers are waiting for something (ala Ferguson or Katrina) were they can go commit wanton murder in the hopes of it sparking a reaction to which they escalate and then calling on Trump or Republican governors to send in the National Guard and purging the US of the LGBTQ, feminists, teachers, minorities, Hispanic immigrants, elected Democrats

  3. "syphilitic rooster" bingo!
