Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Banana Republican Party will dissolve the US Government in order to defend Trump and maintain Power

The Crooks Brothers Riot II (Driftglass)
Trump and his cadre Republican Traitors attempted to shut down part of the Impeachment proceedings by violating SCIF regulations and laws. Because at this point, Republicans know no unlawful, illegal, or unconstitutional action they undertake will be condemned by Faux News and their actions will be applauded by the toxic rightwing internet.

Under Trump the tendency for Republicans to deny the legitimacy of a Democratically controlled Government has hyper-accelerated. It is but a matter of time before the Republicans out-right declare the US Government not controlled by them is unlawful and ipso facto defunct and they seize power in a Putsch.

Conservatives have benefited for years at the unequal applications of laws and the selective enforcement of rules. Trump himself has relied on failing upwards and not being held to account for his criminality and malfeasance. As President, Trump has sped-up the damage to foundational concepts and the Rule of Law.

We have already witnessed the Republicans declaring the US Constitution does not apply to restraining them. Trump appointed Judges have issued rulings that Trump is immune from prosecution and even investigation, including fulfilling his infamous threat of shooting someone on 5th Avenue and getting away with it. It's a short step to the Republicans declaring no Non-#MAGA official, liberal, or Democrat has any power or jurisdiction over a Republican. Ever!

Conservatives will back all illegal activities and all it will take is a drunken Matt Gaetz calling for violence and Conservatives will declare ANOTHER CIVAL WAR!

Driftglass writes up the pathos ruling the Conservative mind these days in his piece Room 101.

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