Friday, September 20, 2019

The Milita Act of 2020 Time for Repeal of the Second Amendment

After every mass shooting, conservatives scramble and reach for their smart phones and computers to continue the only battle they care about #OwnthLibs.
'Shall not be infringed... hur hur hur.' 
'It's a magazine not a clip... hur hur hur.' 
'Well-Regulated means in proper working order... hur hur hur.' 
'Evil will always be with us... hur hur hur.'
The last one is so telling. Because, sure "evil" will always exist on the planet hence the need to create laws and governments. Conservatives have decided the 2nd Amendment is really some kind of super law, which can be morphed to fit whatever argument legally they need. The original intent of 2nd Amendment was for Southern Slave Owners to be able to call forth a militia of armed whites to put down slave revolts. However, the NRA weaponized the 2A in order to make lots and lots of money. And when Republicans saw they could use the 2A as a political wedge issue they decided to play along.

Now, some famous Republicans have balked at this, President George H. W Bush and Supreme Court Justice Warren E. Burger, for instance. But by and large the Republican Party allowed the gun nuts to take root and sprout and the flowering of which is the United States is awash in easily obtainable guns and the country suffers 35,000 gun deaths a year and tens of thousands more injuries.

Defensive Gun Uses (DGUs) are a myth, propagated by despicable liars, and the ability to fight back against government tyranny is a lie. A "Tyrannical Government" is just a government conservatives don't like. But, conservatives are most assuredly amassing guns to overthrow such a Democratically elected government. Now, they don't expect to defeat the military in a straight-up battle, nor even in irregular guerrilla warfare. What the Rightwing domestic terrorists, like the III Percenters and Oathkeepers, expect to happen is they will be fighting the initial shock of violence and then the military and law enforcement officers (the domestic standing army) will rise up and rally round them as they overthrow the decadent United States and replace it with the Republic of Gilead Molon Labe.

Of course, at that point the True Meaning of the 2A, will no longer matter. But, before we get to the point of conservatives openly slaughtering everyone in 2020 we can elect Elizabeth Warren and set about some fundamental changes.

To be clear, I don't have the magic bullet to deal with the 350,000,000 guns the blood-soaked Gun Manufacturers have flooded the Nation with or how to neuter the NRA an organization so vile and venal they take money from Russian pimps and gangsters to get as many Americans killed.

But, before conservatives plunge the Nation in Civil War 2.0 a good way to thwart them would be to focus on the word Militia in the 2A. This is predicated on the Democratic Party taking the Senate and Presidency in 2020 and not allowing themselves to pulled apart by the disingenuous Media or

The Militia Act of 2020 could,
  • Mandate a FOID and/or CCL card (with subsequent background investigations) for all gun owners calling any gun owner a Militia member.
  • Mandatory registration of all guns to ensure they are in good-working order.
  • Twice yearly muster by all registered gun owners to ensure they have positive control of all registered guns
  • Doctors and physical examination paperwork to ensure the Militia member is in good health and mental well-being
  • The turn-in of all AR-15, AK style weapons and the reduction of long guns to bolt actions, level action or pump action shotguns.
Of course, I know no such law will be passed but, that isn't the point. By crafting their legislation around the word Militia, a legal term long in use in American history, the Democratic Party could seize the legal-standing necessary to undo some of the damage wrought by the NRA, the Republican Party, and their Owners in Russia. We, the People have to use the tools of Government and a Democratic Party aided by brave groups such as Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety, can make that happen if we help.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact. But, the current Republican Party, bolstered by NRA dollars, and the zealous fervor of the Gun Humping Lunatics have turned the Second Amendment into a murder-suicide pact on a National scale. The Gun Industry is a Cult of Death who are more than willing to sacrifice thousands of Americans on the Holey Altar of the 2A. It will take a Government of the People, by the People, for the People to fight against the Worshippers of Our Moloch.

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