Saturday, September 7, 2019

Police Officers are the Standing Army the Founding Fathers warned Us about

Attorney General Bill Barr spoke to the Grand Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police. The FOP  scumbag organization which hand-in-hand with reactionary judges helps shield criminal cops, through such techniques as "Qualified Immunity"... Now I'm not talking about your local Union rep who is a still a lunch pail union organizer but, the Elite Board who enjoy $1000-a-plate dinners and soirées amongst the 1%.

The 1% believe there are only two valid roles for government; the opening up of foreign markets for exploitation and control, and the quelling of domestic dissent. The creation of municipal Policing in America is born of the massive structural changes to society wrought by the Industrial Revolution; in response to three main stimuli; the end of chattel slavery, the influx of large numbers of working class poor from various Slavic and Eastern European Nations, and the rise of densely populated cities of working poor.

For years conservatives used division and had the power of the Government; Federal, State, Local, to keep the minority segments of society down whilst protecting and providing for White America. And then...

Conservatives loathing of the Federal Government began when the government began to protect and aid minorities in the 1960's. Once the US Government began to fulfill the mission of ensuring life and liberty for all Americans, ever so tepidly and ever so intermittently, conservatives became champions of small government. Bill Barr echoes this in his speech,
We live in an age now when the institutions we have relied on to inculcate values and self-restraint have been under constant assault for over 50 years.  As a result, we see about us increased social pathology.
50 years is the tell. Ending segregation. Ending Redlining. Civil Rights, Social Security, and federal protections for blacks and women? Conservatives became enraged. And later...
Starting in the 1960’s, we had gone through three decades of “reform” that turned our criminal justice system into a laughable revolving door.  Incarceration rates dropped precipitously.
Again when did it start? The 1960's. Miranda rights, protections from unlawful search and seizure, weak safeguards against police brutality? That's when
One reason for this is that law enforcement is fighting a different type of war.  We are fighting an unrelenting, never-ending fight against criminal predators in our society.  While there are battles won and lost each day, there is never a final resolution – a final victory is never in sight.
'We are fighting a different type of war'... War... Never-Ending War... It's because conservatives see Police forces as the Standing Army loyal to White Supremacy and enforcing the Reactionary politics of the Republican Agenda of Intolerance and Adulation of the Rich.


  1. Again when did it start? The 1960's. Miranda rights, protections from unlawful search and seizure, weak safeguards against police brutality? That's when

    Barr seems to have a bad issue when it comes to attempts to have police forces agree with the Constitution. He doesn't seem to have much to do with supporting the Constitution himself, but it's rare to see someone these days in his position be so dick-wagging naked about it.

  2. The union movement must act to stop these thuglican unions from ruining the reputation of unions.
    When minority citizens are oppressed by the gangbangers in blue who rely on "union" contracts to shelter them from the cosequences of their actions and intimidate entire communities it is time to read them out of the union movement loudly and repeatedly.
    They could start by filing a RICO action against police unions who protect "their" criminals because they were both hiding behind and busing the badge.
    When unions are mentioned all to often the picture that comes to mind is an abusive thug in blue who cannot be fired because of "union" rules. Look at South bend police trying to torpedo Buttieg by protecting a dumb a== punk who allowed his white robes to peek out from behind his badge.
