Friday, September 13, 2019

Conservative Terrorists can't wait to murder Beto O'Rourke with their AR-15s

If Gun Laws are passed, conservatives have declared en masse they will not follow the Law. There is a name for a group of people who declare they won't follow the law; criminals.

During last night's Democratic Presidential debate, Beto O'Rouke affirmed he would spearhead the passage of laws to curtail the gun violence Republicans have not only ignored but actively encouraged at the behest of their NRA and FSB owners. In response to Presidential Candidate O'Rouke's comments, conservatives, including elected officials, declared they will murder him and anyone else who dares to enforce the law.

The reason conservatives buy so many AR-15s and AK-47 clones is for use on people. Conservatives have been champing at the bit to murder millions of Americans. It's been a rightwing obsession for decades. And in reality for centuries; because the Civil War never ended, conservatives just changed tactics, after they lost the massed lines of battle and maneuver portion of the War. Conservative switched tactics to "Lone Wolf" terrorism attacks and infiltration and subversion of the United States Government from within; funded by Russian pimps and gangsters of late.

Conservatives have a terrible ache, a longing deep down in their shriveled loins, to round-up and kill millions of people; but especially liberals, Democrats, minorities, and any Non-#MAGA they can find. It's been a hallmark of their blackened souls since the 1960s, when conservatives became enraged the Federal Government was trying, ever so tepidly to comfort the afflicted and aid those harmed by right-wingers over the years.

Conservatives have declared they would Rule or Ruin America and last night they plainly stated their threat to reignite the Civil War.

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