Friday, August 9, 2019

ICE Gestapo Raids; Did you ever wonder what life was like in Germany in the 1930's?

Well wonder no more because history, as the phrase goes, has a way of repeating itself.

The Founding Fathers had a large fear of a standing army in the United States. Well, the various police forces throughout the country constitute that army. And an army tempts Government to use it.

ICE conducted a raid which captured nearly 700 people working in plants in 6 cities across Mississippi. I don't know if these people were shipped by train to their "relocation camps".  Note these raids weren't in liberals states or in those dastardly sanctuary cities but in deep evil Trump country.

If you think the raids by Trump's Gestapo are going to be limited to immigrants, you are fooling yourself. Since 9/11 the United States Government has been steadily pushing the boundaries and testing the frog in the boiling pot theory.

It starts with a group that no one could possibly object too; terrorists engaged in outright combat with US forces (of course, many of those captured and sent to GITMO, including 4 of the detainees traded by President Obama for Bowe Bergdahl never took up arms against the US). Who could object to to terrorists being extraordinarily renditioned?

And thus GITMO and various black sites are born.

But, overseas terrorists aren't the main enemy of conservatives; those are closer to home.

So, the fight moves from over there to over here. Illegal immigrants. Now, who could possibly be against rounding up and imprisoning Illegals? And thus, like Judge Dredd a new law enforcement unit is born with the sole purpose of capturing people who look like they don't belong here. And if any namby-pamby liberals get queasy about a Police State with full tactical gear ICE and CBP agents running around zip-tying brown people while demanding 'Papers Please' just point out They Broke The Law!!!

Now, of course don't expect these hypocritical conservatives to demand they face the same punishment for their domestic battery abuse or speeding. The "broke the law" argument is disingenuous and always done in bad faith.

But, while rounding-up immigrants and refugees and throwing them into concentration camps is unspeakably cruel and the cruelty is the point of modern conservatism, it doesn't target the other two groups conservatives hate the most; Liberals and Feminists.

One day soon, maybe after he loses the 2020 election Trump is going to call on his #MAGAt Horde to rid him of those angry Democrats who are engaged in the biggest political scandal and witch hunt in American History. And the Trump's ICE Gestapo will link arms with the legions of rightwing gun nut domestic terrorists and begin Civil War 2.0

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