Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Senator Mark Kirk was a lying criminal asshole before his stroke

And is still a lying criminal asshole afterwards.

So it appears that in between calling women "Ho's" and accidentally revealing a lot about Senator Lindsey Graham with his "Bro with No Ho" comment and siding with the 47 Republican Traitors in the Senate in undermining the Diplomatic Triumph of President Obama with Iran, Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois is dipping into his campaign funds to supplement his income and pay for his healthcare.

First off, how despicable that a Senator who gets ALL his EXPENSIVE Medical Care covered by the U.S. Government while siding with a Party whose sole mission is to eliminate coverage for the old, sick and indigent is also supplementing his care with money he's purloined from his campaign. In 2010 then Congressman Kirk ran for Senate on this slogan, "I’m Mark Kirk and I can’t wait to vote against the health care bill next week."

But, then we already knew Kirk took a non-chalant attitude towards monies which don't belong to him when he paid his former girlfriend with campaign funds. Because Senator Kirk has stolen money from his campaign on previous occasions. In 2010, Kirk used his Senate Campaign to funnel money to his then girlfriend, Dodie McCracken
The girlfriend, Dodie McCracken, who works in public relations, has acknowledged receiving more than $143,000 in fees and expenses for her campaign work. A former live-in girlfriend, she is no longer romantically involved with Kirk, according to a campaign aide.

At the heart of the matter is Vertolli's assertion that the Kirk campaign may have improperly hidden money to McCracken by paying her through another company working for the campaign. Because the money was not paid directly to McCracken, her name does not appear in Kirk's federal disclosures.
Now it appears that Senator Kirk is perfectly content to use funds which he has no right to use. For, you and me that's called Stealing. But, IOKIYAR is the first rule of Right Club.

And You Do Not Talk About Right Club. It's just Standard Operating Procedure for Illinois Republicans. If they aren't molesting little boys (Former Speaker Dennis Hastert), they're getting millions in kickbacks and lavish gifts (Congressman Aaron Shock) or just treating themselves to money which isn't theirs (Senator Kirk).

But, IOKIYAR. Just like when Senator Kirk lied about his military accomplishments, when he "misremembered it wrong" claiming to have been the Naval Intelligence Officer of the Year or in kinda/sorta allowing Illinois Voters to believe he served in Iraq and came under fire when he served in the Navy (Stateside) during the Bush Iraq Debacle.

So, while the Media have been hyperventilating about Donald Trump and his statements which supposedly do not reflect the Republican Party, the repeated despicable comments of so-called moderate Republican Senator Mark Kirk prove the Republican Party is filled with bigots, thieves and lying scumbags. Because stroked-out Senator Kirk has been a lying criminal scumbag for a long time.


  1. First off, how despicable that a Senator who gets ALL his EXPENSIVE Medical Care covered by the U.S. Government while siding with a Party whose sole mission is to eliminate coverage for the old, sick and indigent is also supplementing his care with money he's purloined from his campaign.

    Oh... You mean he's abiding by the law that passed with ZERO Republican votes?

  2. ChickenHammer,

    Please point to the section of the U.S. Constitution or U.S. Codes which states a Law is only valid when Republicans vote for it.

  3. Mercun's want leadership like this ya see.

    Lowlife fuckers like this are so goddamned disgusting as are the people who vote for and others who support them and means at least half of the voting public are totally fine with candidates on the right.

    The other half and more who don't vote are too fucking stupid to understand the importance of the simple act of voting.

    Exceptional my ass. Dumber than fuck - you betcha!

  4. One Fly, Republicans in Illinois can do no wrong! Dontcha see?!?

    Sure, Denny Hastert was raping little boys but he was "The Coach" in Congress heading the charge against the Evil Bill Clinton!

    Sure Aaron Shock was getting Millions from Political Donors and taking Lavish Taxpayer funded Vacations, attending Super Bowls and impossible to get Concerts Across the Globe but, he was a work-out buddy of Paul Ryan and bad-mouthed Obama so it's all good!

    And Senator Kirk, sure he's a Stolen Valor REMF but hey he took Obama's Senate Seat in 2010 so it all evens out.

  5. And elected Dims say nothing about that or much else but particularly nothing about corruption,crimes and the blatant hypocrisy of elected Rethugs.

    Yes there are some Dims that occasionally reach their level but fact of the matter is by far the majority are Repugs or their offshoots.

  6. Please point to the section of the U.S. Constitution or U.S. Codes which states a Law is only valid when Republicans vote for it.

    It doesn't exist. So what's your point? The PPACA was passed without a single Republican vote. But not you're upset that a Republican is subjecting himself to it. Oh No! A Republican abiding to the law of the land. Freaks you the fuck out only when it's pointed out since most Republicans follow the law most of the time.

    You play stupid so well I hate to call you out on it but for real take a look around. Hillary and her special secret email is a good current example but the Democrats have been breaking the law daily for years and years.

    Get over your partisan lumps. FACC

  7. No chickenhammer, what Mark Kirk is doing is stealing. Illegally using funds which do not belong to him for his personal use. But I'm sure your conservative bubble can be reinflated with your Hillary Hillary Hillary freakout.

  8. first off it's Illinois. It's run by angry desperate people who thinks like white supremacist. Angry old men like Mark Kirk is an embarrassment and sure hope Tammy robot feet can kick him in the nuts so hard that his nuts flew all the way rob Thailand and in the spirit of Donald Tramp "mark my words, i will order a special investigation". Sadly 30 to 40 percent americans believe lies because they like what they hear. Tammy is an easy target and Mark Kirk is trying to take away her accomplishments by mocking her at the same time lying about his military career. how do you not remember "oh i think i was a green beret when he was actually a janitor in the navy"
