Saturday, July 25, 2015

Another Mass Shooting. Another White Right-Wing Domestic Terrorist. It's far too late to talk about Gun Control.

Thus, endeth the world not with a whimper but with a bang...

Governor disgusting coward Jindal of Louisana gave a press conference where he stated it's too early to talk about Gun Control. No it is not, it's far, far, far too late.

America has been conquered by Conservatives. Every problem in this Nation can be traced back to the influence and effect the right-wing nut jobs have over the country. After losing the Civil War, the Confederacy (a Plutocracy of Rich 1% Slave Owners) has been engaging in guerilla tactics and asymetrical warfare for 150 years and they've turned the Nation (with some notable setbacks) into a Conservative Plutocracy in the same model as the Confederacy, a Neo-Confederacy.

Now, another Right-Wing White Domestic Terrorist has gone on a shooting spree but, unlike the immediate and voiceforus denunciations of "Terrorism" when the shooter is named Muhammad, Conservatives shout down anyone who links their despicable evil agenda to the violence it indisputably foments. As always right-wingers proclaim the murderer is actually a Liberal because No True Conservative...

And Gun Nuts declare we're too emotional to talk about Gun Control and converge like locusts to silence anyone who points out that Gun Violence in the United States is an Epidemic. No other civilized, so-called first world Nation suffers the levels of Gun Violence we do in the United States.

If guns were the real solution then we'd see appreciable reductions in gun violence but, the evidence shows more guns equals more gun violence.

This is such an obvious, blatant fact that Gun Makers and Gun Humping Lunatics demand those facts be altered and obscured, which is why just this month The Center for Disease Control has been banned for decades by Republicans in Congress and the NRA from collecting any data/information on Gun Deaths and Injuries.


  1. There have been 204 mass shootings in 204 days in this country. I saw on Alex Witt's show on MSNBC the absolutely correct comment (I didn't catch the reporter's name)--that if we're burying the dead from one shooting while the next shooting occurs, there won't ever be a right time. It doesn't seem to me to be politicizing an issue when advocates for better gun laws point to the strong correlations between things like domestic abuse (in Houser's profile) and mental illness (ditto) that increase the likelihood of a firearm being used for no other reason than to harm oneself or others. I feel strongly about the value of the First Amendment, but understand that prudent safeguards against harm pertain to things like publishing child porn or speech used to defraud or incite violence--that same kind of common-sense regarding harm has to be applied to gun ownership, or we don't have a protection in the Second Amendment, so much as an area of anarchy.

    (By the way--glad to see you posting regularly again.)

  2. Thanks Vixen,

    Sadly, I think the 2nd Amendment Gun Maniacs have won... for the time being. They are advocates for total anarchy as you note. The argument that gun laws don't work is misleading and fatuous at best. Laws, in and of themself never stop criminals, it's enforcement which is needed and Gun Makers and Gun Humping Terrorists always fight against enforcement.

  3. Good people hate violence and would take long seconds to even consider the thought of taking someone's life with a gun. Sociopaths love violence and would sooner kill you than say hello. I know which one will win a gun battle -- it will be the person who shoots first because he loves to see people die.

    The kind of anarchy that these right wing goons keep pushing is a recipe for putting sociopaths in charge, because rule of gun always, at all times in the history of the planet, results in rule by sociopathic goons. There has never, ever been an exception to that rule. Not ever, in the known history of humanity.

    - Badtux the Long Perspective Penguin

  4. You know Badtux it would be humorous if it wasn't so despicable but these right-wing jagoffs push for guns everywhere can't follow their "logic" to it's final conclusion which is Rule of Gun not Rule of Law.

    The Gun Fanatics also consider themselves to possess Matrix level gun powers which will mean they can identify the "bad guy with a gun", draw, place two center mass and holster before the sheeple around them know a right-winger and his gun have saved the day....
