Saturday, February 8, 2014

If the NRA and Gun Owners of America truly care about the Second Amendment

then, they need to grant me membership, acknowledge and advocate for my views on the Second Amendment without me paying any Dues.
Every gun owner should be an active member of the NRA. Every gun owner should be sure that every member of his or her family is an active member. - Wayne LaPierre, Feb 2013
Of course, Larry Pratt's Gun Loons and Insane Wayne's National Firearm Fondlers Association don't actually care about the Second Amendment or Americans for that matter and are not in business to protect the rights of Gun Owners.

Their job is to be a Lobbyist Group for Gun Makers and as such their member dues are used to buy political favors and clout and work towards making Guns ubiquitous in society while making gun laws extinct.
When the NRA spends money on political advertising, we have to raise those funds from you—$20, $50, $250, or $1,000 at a time. - again Wayne LaPierre
The NRA and Gun Makers are involved in an incestuous relationship as detailed by the Violence Policy Center Report, BloodMoney II: How Gun Industry Dollars Fund the NRA.

The Freedom Group and Smith & Wesson both have donated at least $1 million to the NRA, and both are members of the NRAs Golden Ring of Freedom. 6 other Gun Industry related Corporations are in the Golden Ring of Freedom having donated at least One Million.

So besides their accomplishment of rolling back laws, making the Country demonstrably less safe and not giving a shit how many people are sacrificed upon the Holy Altar of the Firearm, the NRA and Firearm Manufacturers are feeding the money made off the deaths of thousands back into the political machine to make deaths by guns more likely.

As for the Gun Owners of America, it would be easy to attack Larry Pratt personally especially after his American Blacks need to be happy like blacks in Africa. The level of ignorance from a man whose most assuredly never been to Africa and whose only trips overseas have been to argue that Protestant Irishmen should be armed to kill Catholic Irishmen is astonishing but, let's demolish his argument that Gun Free Zones are to blame for Gun Deaths.

If that was the case no Police Officer in America would ever be killed because at every interaction with a suspect, witness, victim or bystander there is a gun present and most times very visible. Yet, LEOs are, in fact, still killed by perps.

Additionally, these Firearm Fetishizers dream about encountering an active shooter and then placing two rounds center-mass and one to the head and being lauded a hero. This doesn't happen.

Unlike, the Death Wish movies where the writer literally shows you who the bad guys are and 1st Person Shooter games where a floating red circle indicates enemy and green circle indicates ally, in the chaos of shooting how do you distinguish between friend and foe?

The retort, from Pratt and numerous gun loons, has often been that if more people, especially teachers or concerned parents, were concealed carrying at the school a gunman would think twice about going there because he won't know who will and who will not be packing. This argument is undercut by the fact that after every school shooting, Firearm Fondlers declare the gunman crazed or insane. An insane person by his very nature or illness can not logically be deterred by rational arguments. He's not engaged in a cost-benefit analysis of the outcome of his attack or fear of encountering armed resistance.

And if the situation is one ala the D.C. Naval Yard shooting or the infamous LA Bank Heist shootout, where the shooter(s) can be seen from a distance, I don't fancy your odds with a Glock vs. a semi-automatic rifle.

The massive number of arms, broad appeals to ignorance, obliterated social safety net, mistaken or malevolent laws, and cowardly or craven politicians are leading us down a dangerous path. A path which, sometimes, results in the fragmentation or destruction of a Nation.

But, the NRA and Gun Owners of America do not care. All they care about is making sure the cycle of money keeps flowing and the cycle of gun violence and blood which flows from it?


  1. The NRA has 1 million "lifetime" members of whom at least half of them are dead and the NRA keeps them on the rolls because, well, because life doesn't stop at death, I guess. They have roughly 3 million actual living members, of whom at least 1 million are members because the NRA scared them into thinking Obama wants to take their guns away. Without the scare tactics, their membership revenue would drop by more than 1/3rd and Mr. LaPierre might have to take a pay cut. Can't have that, can we?

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  2. Wayne is paid in the blood of children and tears of their families.

    Thus he's been a very rich man as 7500 children have been shot a year from 1997-2009 and 194 children have been gunned down since the Newton Massacre.

  3. "Wayne is paid in the blood of children and tears of their families. "

    Like he gives a shit! Blood is good for business.

  4. People like Wayne LaPierre is why I created the tag "sociopathic lizard people" for my blog. They view human beings as prey, not as fellow travelers. Just sayin'.

  5. You people deserve whatever evil befalls you . Kindly allow the rest of us the freedom to decide our own fate.

  6. BadTux & Jerry Critter,

    Look ^^^ it's another sympathetic magic-user who wishes evil upon people who don't agree in their freedom to kill 35,000 Americans every year.

  7. And if the situation is one ala the D.C. Naval Yard shooting or the infamous LA Bank Heist shootout, where the shooter(s) can be seen from a distance, I don't fancy your odds with a Glock vs. a semi-automatic rifle.

    I completely missed this line when I read this post over the weekend.

    As a civilian my job is to save my own ass and let the cops take care of the shooter. That being said, if I'm trying to escape I would feel much better about my chances with a Glock than with nothing.

    Make a wrong turn, get backed into a corner, run into a dead end, etc... If the man with the shotgun has me trapped I would much rather try to take him down with a handgun than try to bat away buckshot with my hands.

    BTW, the naval yard shooter was carrying a shotgun and not a rifle.

  8. Thank you for the correction, that should read Glock v. shotgun or semi-automatic rifle,

    You also have to ensure you have 32 round mags preferably 3 for your Glock because you won't be able to resupply like in Grand Theft Auto.

    Also don't forget your ballistic shield and vest. Oh and ceramic strike plates... And almost forget about you trauma kit with quik clot.

    Let's see and Irdium phone for calling in arty fire to cover your movement.

    And how will you alert the QRF to your pos without a radio?

    I for can't wait until everyday in the US is just like Iraq thanks NRA!

  9. And just so it's clear Chickenhammer,

    are you saying that you'd fire your handgun at distances where it's not considered effective or accurate and without regard to the background of the shooter?

  10. G_e_G -- "are you saying that you'd fire your handgun...without regard to the background of the shooter?"

    Since CH said, "As a civilian my job is to save my own ass..."
    I suspect his answer to your question must be "yes".

  11. Gene,

    I still don't understand why you're so angry and hateful towards so many people.

    I only carry standard capacity magazines. One in the well and one in my 511's magazine pocket. I've almost always got a pocket trauma kit with me and always have the much more complete kit in my vehicle.

    Regarding distance shots I don't understand where they come into a self-defense conversation. If there's a long distance between me and the actor I'm trying to escape I'm not shooting, I'm escaping. Duh.

  12. G_e_G -- "are you saying that you'd fire your handgun...without regard to the background of the shooter?"

    Since CH said, "As a civilian my job is to save my own ass..."
    I suspect his answer to your question must be "yes".

    JC: Nope. The further away the shooter the easier for me to escape without incident.
