Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Second Amendment Hero murders old man and what it means to Gun Nuts

It's 4am and you awake, you're certain that whatever woke you was the sound of someone trying your front door knob. You and your wife get out of bed, she goes to the phone to call 911 you grab your trusty Glock. You go to the front door open it and see a figure in your front yard. You command him to stop moving and when he doesn't you gun him down.

God Bless America! Thank you right-wing jesus* for the second amendment and by this blessed firearm thy work shall be done.

So, the latest Second Amendment Hero to join the Pantheon of George Zimmerman, Richard Poplawski and Adam Lanza is Joe Hendrix of Georgia.

Hendrix murdered Ronald Westbrook, a 72 year old with severe Alzheimer's for "Disobeying his Commands".

As it turns out, Westbrook, was a fragile old man who wandered away from his nursing facility back to the neighborhood where he lived years before. He tried several doors, grabbed mail from a mailbox and rang the doorbell of one house before he went to Hendrix's home. Hendrix emerged from his home, saw an unidentified human form in his front yard, yelled at him, decided to stand his ground and fire 4 rounds blindly at someone whom he hadn't identified, who hadn't committed any crime and hadn't threatened Hendrix.

As the Pope properly observed Capitalism is the most dangerous and damaging force plaguing the world today and gun violence associated with Gang Crime is more dangerous but, I'm sure its' a comfort to Westbrook's family he was killed by a "Responsible" gun owner who goes to church.

Now, as we approach the anniversary of the NRA-endorsed Massacre at Newton the yearly sacrifice of children and innocent people on the Altar of the Holey Second Amendment continues unabated.

As with any legal construct the Second Amendment is being brought to it's most absurd conclusions, Second Amendment Fanatics will resist any regulation and have been quite explicit they will engage in mass violence against everyone and anyone who threatens their rights to kill at will. What the Gun Nuts are asserting is the Right to kill anyone they perceive as a threat and the Right to Resist the Government's power to curb their murderous intentions.

Such beliefs have to be decided by micro-level examples because the Gun Nuts big abstract, nebulous pronouncements of 'freedom', 'resistance to tyranny', and 'molon labe' are worthless in legal terms.

It comes down to two questions; Can a Second Amendment Hero exert the Bush Doctrine and murder someone they believe might pose a threat? And if I, or some other Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) comes to arrest you, do you believe you have the right to resist if you have concluded that my arrest is invalid or illegal or unlawful?

Now, these questions are moot when the "right people" are being killed by guns or being subjected to arrests or Stop & Frisk, but as with Capitalism, entitled whites can not imagine a day when "arbitrary" detention and arrests will be directed at them.

The United States is crumbling around Us. Disaster Capitalism is wreaking havoc and we are fragmenting and collapsing faster than people want to admit.
* - Right-Wing jesus is better known by the names Moloch or Zardoz.


  1. Now, as we approach the anniversary of the NRA-endorsed Massacre at Newton the yearly sacrifice of children and innocent people on the Altar of the Holey Second Amendment continues unabated.

    To call the mass murder at Newton NRA endorsed is at best disgustingly perverse. You've lost touch with reality if believe what you've written.

  2. Chickenhammer,

    Of course, it was NRA endorsed. The NRA fights any attempts at stopping mass murder and fought every legislation in Connecticut which could have averted the Massacre and then had the temerity to blame the victims for being shot because the teachers/children didn't have guns.

    Your warped morals make jesus weep but make Zardoz LaPierre happy and wealthy.

  3. Gene,

    What legislation in Connecticut that could have prevented the Sandy Lake murders did the NRA oppose? I've researched this and cannot find any legislation that could have prevented the tragedy.

    The NRA could not have fought against legislation that never was in the first place.

    Your overactive imagination and the facts diverge once again.

  4. Chickenhammer,

    I've stated numerous times that No Law in and of itself has ever Stopped a Crime, what is needed is Enforcement

    But, in 2005 the NRA lwhich had lobbied hard and got Bush and the Republican controlled congress to pass Total Immunity for Firearm Makers.

    Connecticut lawmakers, in March 2011, tried to ban the magazines used by the Newton Murderer. I wonder if that Law and a lack of mags which the NRA, Firearm Makers and Gun Nuts fought against may have helped some of the murdered children survive.

    So, since I'm always wrong and you are always right, perhaps you can tell me why it is other 1st World Nations don't have a Navy Yard shooting, Dark Night in Colorado, Sandy Hook, Va Tech every month as we do here?

  5. I've stated numerous times that No Law in and of itself has ever Stopped a Crime, what is needed is Enforcement
    If that's the case why would you support laws that restrict law abiding people's freedom? Wouldn't focusing on increased enforcement be more beneficial?

    But, in 2005 the NRA lwhich [sic] had lobbied hard and got Bush and the Republican controlled congress to pass Total Immunity for Firearm Makers.
    Is that really any different than not holding Ford responsible when an Interceptor runs someone over or holding Stanley responsible when someone gets brained by a hammer?

    So, since I'm always wrong and you are always right, perhaps you can tell me why it is other 1st World Nations don't have a Navy Yard shooting, Dark Night in Colorado, Sandy Hook, Va Tech every month as we do here?
    Those headline grabbers do happen more often here than anywhere else in the developed world. However, if you look at the bigger picture of overall murder rate Wikipedia tells you there are a hundred other countries in this world with a higher rate than the USA. If you take the people's guns away they will find other ways to inflict violence on each other.

  6. Chickenhammer,

    Unreal. While, you may feel comparing the US murder rate to Mexico, Burma or Afghanistan is a winning argument for Unrestricted Gun Violence in the US, I'd rather we had the gun violence and death rate akin to Germany, Canada or Australia.

    But, Enforcement would be great. Mandatory 3 years for Negligent Discharges which cause harm to another person would be great as would convictions for murderers who "stand their ground" and gun down innocent people who pose no threat.

  7. But, Enforcement would be great. Mandatory 3 years for Negligent Discharges which cause harm to another person would be great as would convictions for murderers who "stand their ground" and gun down innocent people who pose no threat.

    You've found something we can agree on. I'd even tack on sentencing enhancements for repeat offenses. The only caveat I would add is hold civilian shooters to the same standards we use to judge our police.

  8. I'm stunned! Ok, let's leave this particular comment jousting there then!
