Friday, November 8, 2013

"Fake" Libertarian spoils the ascension of Ken Cuccinelli in Virginia Governor's Race

The Stab-in-the-Back is the most fulfilling narrative that defeated political campaigns adopt.

In 2000, Al Gore "lost" the Presidency because too many Floridians voted for Ralph Nader. That's the easy sloppy narrative that many progressives seem to believe when the truth is that Gore ran a poor campaign and Republicans in Florida shut down the recount so that Gore v. Bush would be decided by the Reactionary Heavy SCOTUS. Which dutifully handed the Presidency to the Worst Man to ever hold the office.

Of course, in the alternate US where the winner of the 2000 Presidential election, Al Gore, took office September 11th would have led to an immediate call for Impeachment and a Right-Wing Military Coup attempt led by Lt. General William Boykin to overthrown President Gore would follow.

Right-Wing fanatics are super mad that Ken Cuccinelli lost to Terry McAuliffe in Virginia. It can't be because of the reprehensible beliefs which Cuccinelli and his choice for Lt. Governor espoused.

No no! It's because Hillary Clinton got a "Fake Libertarian" onto the ballot who siphoned votes away from Cuccinelli and stole the election.

First off, Libertarianism was founded to dupe working class white people into voting against their interests. In 1972 the term "Libertarian" barely won the nod as title of the Party over "New Liberal Party".

In 1980 David H. Koch, of the Koch Brothers, was the Libertarian VP nominee. The party received 1% of the Nationwide vote.

Since, then Libertarians have worked hard to reinvent themselves to be palatable to left-wingers. But, Libertarian is just a scam term Ultra Reactionary's use to dupe middle class people to vote to enslave themselves into Corporate Bondage and Wage Slavery.

Now, any Libertarian who espouses the I vote Libertarian because I want to be left alone! There's No such thing as a Free Lunch! The principle of Zero-Aggression! Ron Paul!!! is either woefully misinformed or a right-wing liar.

Ron Paul has no problem with the Government oppressing you. He just wants the Power of Oppression to be vested in the Hands of the States instead of the Federal Government. And Oppression was exactly what Ken Cuccinelli promised.

Ken Cuccinelli, whom Ron Paul not only endorsed but campaigned for, asserted as Attorney General that the 2003 SCOTUS decision Lawrence v. Texas did apply to Virginia. He attempted to get Sodomy Laws reapplied to the State and wanted to arrest Men and Women who engaged in Sexual acts he deemed abnormal. Demanding that local Law Enforcement officers invade peoples' homes and conduct wide-ranging inspections into their sexual mores.

Cuccinelli also declared his administration would reduce Virginia Women to broodmare status and considered any Federal law which helped to provide health care to women to be illegal and unconstitutional.

But, of course, that's not a problem for Libertarians, who are overwhelmingly young white males, who could care less about women's issues and declare themselves Libertarians as an expression of the fury that White Male Privilege no longer holds Supremacy in America.

How's your principle of Zero Aggression going to hold up when David Koch dumps 4000 tons of Petcoke next to your house one day? Who will you turn to?

And therein lies the whole tale of Libertarianism. The Young White (Protestant) Males can not envision a day when the Corporate Plutocracy treats them the same way it treats minorities and women.


  1. In 2000, Al Gore "lost" the Presidency because too many Floridians voted for Ralph Nader. That's the easy sloppy narrative that many progressives seem to believe when the truth is that Gore ran a poor campaign and Republicans in Florida shut down the recount so that Gore v. Bush would be decided by the Reactionary Heavy SCOTUS. Which dutifully handed the Presidency to the Worst Man to ever hold the office.

    Now that is some rich shit! The truth on display today is that the worst ever, stompy feet, petulant, man child to become president was inaugurated in January of 2009.

  2. "man child"??? Careful there Rusty ChickenHammer your roots are showing...

  3. Would you prefer a "petulant child trapped in a man's body" description? He is by far the most emotionally immature president I can remember.

  4. "There you go again" pricing once more that to right-wing fanatics, history only begins when that man took office.

  5. But, of course, that's not a problem for Libertarians, who are overwhelmingly young white males, a super-majority of whom believe that no woman should ever get an abortion, who could care less about women's issues and declare themselves Libertarians as an expression of the fury that White Male Privilege no longer holds Supremacy in America.
    This doesn't make sense, if a Libertarian doesn't want the government interfering in their life, why would they be for interfering in the lives of women and others???

  6. "There you go again" pricing once more that to right-wing fanatics, history only begins when that man took office.

    Okay, I'll play along. Who was a more emotionally immature president than oBama?

  7. Kulkuri,

    Libertarians don't believe that women are full Americans in the same sense as men.


    Your adoption of Racist Limbaugh's code speak aside.

    William Henry Harrison; for ignoring advice and walking in the freezing rain only to catch pnuemonia and pass away 30 days after his inaguration.

    But, the Bronze goes to the criminal Nixon (and his 70% top tax bracket, creation of the Clean Air and Water act) and the silver to Ronnie Raygun, that mentally-addled, terrorist-loving, cut-and-run Chickenhawk, tax-raising, war criminal, tool of the Plutocrats, with the co-Presidency of W/Cheney being the gold standard for worst administration of all time

  8. Your adoption of Racist Limbaugh's code speak aside.

    Wow, the race card. What an effing surprise coming from a guy like you.

    I called him immature and your responded with examples of stupid presidents. I agree that oBama will long be remembered for being stupid; however, my statement remains that oBama is the most emotionally immature president in recent history.

  9. Wow, dishonest argumemt / deflection attempts by chickenhammer. No surprise.

  10. Wow, dishonest argumemt / deflection attempts by chickenhammer. No surprise.

    You provide a classic Alinsky response Gene. My comments have been on topic and irrefutable.

  11. Chickenhammer,

    As an ardent Power apologist you've mastered the right-wing art of no argument.

    You provide no evidence. When called out for your right-wing feces flinging you respond with waaaah race card! waaah Alinsky!

    But, yes your right-wing bs is irrefutable.

  12. Cucinelli is just another schizophrenic rightwinger who wants the government to be small enough to drown in Grover Norquist's bathtub, and simultaneously big and all-powerful enough to monitor the private lives of 300 million Americans.
