Friday, July 27, 2012

Saint Ronnie Raygun and the annoiting of the new Right-Wing Messiah Mitt Romney (Updated: #RomneyShambles)

News of Darrell Issa's push to name America's coastal waterways after Ronald Reagan, H.R. 6147, the Ronald Wilson Reagan Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States I thought of a more appropriate memorial names. How about:
The Ronald Reagan Terrorist Appeasing Iran-Contra Arms Deals Economic Zone of the United States? Or

The Ronald Reagan Cut-and-Run Abandoner of Marines stationed in Lebanon Economic Zone of the United States? Or

The Ronald Reagan Chicken Hawk Coward Economic Zone of the United States? Or

The Ronald Reagan Weakening America by Disarming our Nuclear Weapons because He can't See Russia From his House Economic Zone of the United States? Or

The Ronald Reagan Quadrupled the Deficit and Raised Taxes 11 Times Economic Zone of the United States? Or

The Ronald Reagan Steak Eating Young Buck, Cadillac Driving Welfare Queen Economic Zone of the United States? Or

The Ronald Reagan Piss Down Your Back and Tell you It's Raining Prosperity Economic Zone of the United States?
When Reagan passed away in 2004, a fellow Marine, with whom I was friends, asked me my recollections of Reagan, stating he was too young to remember policy and the like, and only recalled Reagan as being a steady-hand on the rudder President.

I mentioned and expounded briefly on Reagan's history of deregulation and Voodoo Economics and his wishy-washy tough guy (Invade Grenada Leave Lebanon) talk but, that I did agree with President Reagan on eliminating Nuclear Weapons.
"One of the most important contributions we can make is, of course, to lower the level of all arms, and particularly nuclear arms." ~ Ronald Reagan, 03/23/83.

And "[M]aybe I should go see Andropov and propose eliminating all nuclear weapons" and "[M]y dream is to see the day when nuclear weapons will be banished from the face of the Earth".
Now, of course, when President Obama took up the policy of eliminating Nuclear Weapons, Faux News, Sarah Palin and every Right-wing hag and blowhard attacked him for "coddling our enemies".

But, that's the Beauty of the Reagan Deification. His words and actual policies no longer matter to Right-Wingers. They have created a Saint, an Idol for Conservatives to revere, when all a candidate has to do is utter, Ronald Reagan and look whistfully upwards and the duped conservatives wildly cheer...

Over at National Review Online, the Beautification of Mitt Romney has begun as he literally walks across Lake Winnipesaukee and will figuratively walk across the Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac to the White House to cleanse the US of it's Kenyan Marxist sins.

The funny thing is even the snippets pulled reveal the hidden Chicken Hawk Plutocrat Vulture Capitalist Welfare Queen Coward. As Romney "saved" his fellow vacationing lake home yachters who weren't in danger, saved the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics by getting $1.5 Billion in Tax payer welfare from the Federal Government and had no problem "fighting" in France in the late 1960's instead of fighting in French-Indochina.

Funny how the article doesn't mention his time at Bain Capital or Mitt Romney's "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" supposed saving of the Auto Industry, but then just like with Saint Reagan, Mitt Romney's actual record doesn't matter it's all about selling Romney as the Right-Wing Savior.

#RomneyShambles! Wow, Mitt Romney has just crushed it. The Twitter Quips show how ridiculous Romney is, And the Gaffe Heard Round the World was the start of Romney's Presidental Defeat! A few of best tweets:

Mitt Romney retroactively cancels visit to London. - DCPlod

America- please take Mitt Romney back. Or do we have to declare independence and dump him in the habour first? - InkMoth

Is Mitt Romney basing his trip on National Lampoon's European Vacation? Has he met Eric Idle yet? - GaiPajama


  1. I saw a comment that I think might be picked up by many on the left. It called Romney "the American Borat."

  2. Gene- I would expect a little more. I just knew a Liberal Blogger would be on top of this.
    You can not compare Reagan and Romney. It was different times and different people. Reagan probably wouldn't even get the GOP nod for the 2012 elections.
    The tweets are a little over the top however. Did you watch or listen to the interview. I did not see any bashing of the British citizen at all. But hey, anything to detract on how awful of a President that we have, will definitely help.

  3. Rather than a distraction from our current president, I see it as more an indication of what an awful president Romney would be.

  4. Let us not forget Saint Ronny the fucking union buster who was at one time the motherfucking PRESIDENT of the Actors Guild.
    Oh, and J.O.B., really?
    Over the top?
    You haven't seen anything yet, Robme is comedy gold awaiting.
    He has the personality of a jar of dried beef.

  5. Not true Nuckles. His personality mirrors that of every Mormon I've met. That church must put something in their water

  6. J.O.B.

    You may not have "see any bashing of British citizen at all." But, that doesn't matter. Nor does the reaction the Brits had to Romney which was to compare him to Mr. Bean and proclaim his theme song is "Yackety Sax". I know that no amount heinous, buffoonish, out-of-touch behavior Le Dauphin Romney engages in would ever cause a conservative to vote against Romney.

    As far as distracting from President Obama well Romney may just be engaging in this clownish ignorance to distract from the secrets contained in his tax returns which are he's a Billionaire, with hundreds of millions in off-shore accounts, who made a lot of those millions in 2007-2008 shorting the dollar and betting against America who was then aided in off-shoring those millions by the Bush Presidency.

  7. Gene- He's a Billionaire? So what, is Obama poor? Here's what matters to me. Obama complains, and campaigns that we need to change the tax code so that the wealthy pay their "fair share". He had the first two years of his Presidency to do just that. He didn't. End of story. He wanted his precious Healthcare bill passed so bad, that's all he worked on. He put the cart before the horse my friend. Before passing legislation that would fund this healthcare bill, he passed the bill. Now instead of Billionaires paying a higher tax, I will.

    But make no mistake about it. I'm not voting for Romney, because he is a savior, I'm voting for him because our current President is just that bad.

  8. J.O.B.

    "our current President is just that bad." That's just a ridiculous untrue metric.

    President Obama was foolish to believe anyone would give him credit for having lower tax rates than his commie fore-fathers Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. But, you need not justify your vote with me.

  9. Gene- But isn't the lower taxes just an extension of the Bush tax cuts?

    I'm truly not trying to start an argument. Can you tell me the good things that President Obama has achieved?

  10. Obama ovrsaw an increase in gun owners rights, an increase in healthcare coverage for all Americans, a draw-down in Iraq and the killing of Bin Laden. Should I go on?

    Here's the point (and btw I haven't called you a rightie) isn't it the Job Creators... Job to create Jobs? The President isn't an Imperial Potentate.

    The Bush Tax Cuts and the economy he oversaw were promised to do the following

    1) Effectively pay off the federal debt;
    2) Reduce the federal surplus by $1.4 trillion;
    3) Substantially increase family income;
    4) Save the entire Social Security surplus;
    5) Increase personal savings;
    6) Create more job opportunities.

    Didn't happen. And this was the proclamations of conservatiuve think tanks who used 9/11 as a club to get everything through.

    And the DoD budget and Right-Wing wars have effectively drained 10 Trillion dollars over the last decade alone. Excluding all the contractor fraud and waste (i.e. Theft) which Boeing, KBR, Northrup Grumman, Blackwater Dyn Corp and all the other engaged in.

    But, it doesn't matter. E ven if BP used concrete they knew would fail and blow-out preventers which weren't working in the Gulf, Obama's the President the buck stops with him even if Billions of those bucks were quietly funnelled to Switzerland with the help of the outgoing Bush administration.

  11. "Obama oversaw an increase in gun owners rights"..... How? Explain please.
    "An increase in healthcare coverage for all Americans"...... How? Explain please.
    "A draw-down in Iraq"..... You do know that the withdrawal from Iraq is because of Bush, right? I can provide the links to documents if you wish.
    "The killing of Bin Laden". I will give you this one, but I will not give Obama credit for it. Just like I wouldn't give Bush credit for it if it happened 5 years ago. But you are correct, It was under the Obama Presidency, that we got the piece of s##t.
    So please answer my 2 questions.
    "Should I go on?" Yes, please do.

    "The Bush Tax Cuts and the economy he oversaw were promised to do the following

    1) Effectively pay off the federal debt;
    2) Reduce the federal surplus by $1.4 trillion;
    3) Substantially increase family income;
    4) Save the entire Social Security surplus;
    5) Increase personal savings;
    6) Create more job opportunities.

    Didn't happen. And this was the proclamations of conservatiuve think tanks who used 9/11 as a club to get everything through."

    This is not an answer to my question Gene.

    My question is based off of a previous comment. This was your comment to which I refer.
    "President Obama was foolish to believe anyone would give him credit for having lower tax rates than his commie fore-fathers Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon."

    My question is, are you giving Obama credit for extending the Bush tax cuts?

    "And the DoD budget and Right-Wing wars have effectively drained 10 Trillion dollars over the last decade alone. Excluding all the contractor fraud and waste (i.e. Theft) which Boeing, KBR, Northrup Grumman, Blackwater Dyn Corp and all the other engaged in"

    I haven't checked the numbers, but this may very well be true.
    There was one man who could have fixed this. One man who looked at our Defense spending as a problem. It's not Obama, and it's not Romney. It was crazy ass Ron Paul. But the GOP didn't want it, and Obama supporters are hoping he runs as a 3rd party to take votes away from Romney. So my question to you Gene is simple. How much do you really care about the DOD spending?

    "But, it doesn't matter. E ven if BP used concrete they knew would fail and blow-out preventers which weren't working in the Gulf, Obama's the President the buck stops with him even if Billions of those bucks were quietly funnelled to Switzerland with the help of the outgoing Bush administration."

    Are you serious Gene? You do know that Obama accepts campaign donations from oils companies, just like Romney.
    do you blame the Bush Administration for 9/11?
    Seriously, when is this President going to be held responsible for anything? Please tell me.

  12. J.O.B.

    I'm not going to do all the work for you because I don't care whom you vote for but as you've demanded the info on items 1 and 2.

    In 2009, President Obama signed into law allowing licensed gun owners to carry loaded guns in national parks and wildlife refuges. If he was comin' fer our guns as the Insane Wayne LaPierre and others believe the *fact* that the only gun law he has dealt with expanded gun rights sure is strange.

    Obamacare, please read.

    AS for DoD spending, President Obama is getting attacked even though spending has gone up (sadly) because the War Machine must be fed with uneding money and the blood of children.

    And really did you ever read about Banking Monster UBS agreeing to pay a $780 million dollar fine to the US DOJ to keep secret the names of 52,000 Americans who swindled untold Billions out of the country as Bush left office? Or is that just Blaming Bush.

  13. Before we continue, I'm not demanding anything from you Brother. I'm just asking questions, that's all.

    1- You do realize that was part of his "Credit card reform bill". O.K. I'll give him that one on basic compromise kudoes.
    2- "Obamacare" ???????????? Is that really your answer? You do know that Obamacare doesn't take effect until 2014? So, as of now, your statement is false. Not to mention that thanks to the SCOTUS, my taxes will go up. Even though I make 80k a year. Shocker.

    "AS for DoD spending, President Obama is getting attacked even though spending has gone up (sadly) because the War Machine must be fed with uneding money and the blood of children."
    This is a non-point! President Obama is Commander-In-Chief. He has been the head of the "War Machine" since 01-20-09. Spending has gone up because of HIM. How do you not see this? Afghanistan? Placating NATO with Libya. This President along with the 4 previous are war mongers. How do you not see this?
    Ron Paul is the only one with an answer. But everyone looks at him as a kooky old nut. Even though he's the only one with a fix to the problem that you and everyone else bitches about.

    "And really did you ever read about Banking Monster UBS agreeing to pay a $780 million dollar fine to the US DOJ to keep secret the names of 52,000 Americans who swindled untold Billions out of the country as Bush left office? Or is that just Blaming Bush."

    I think I read an article about that. If it's the article I'm thinking of, You do realize that two of those jerk offs are now part of Obama's financial advisory team?
    But that may be the banking collapse.

    I'll ask again. When are Obama supporters going to hold him accountable for anything?

    There you go Gene, just one question.

  14. J.OB.

    I'd answer your question if your comments didn't indicate you argue in bad faith or are being purposefully obtuse.

    Case in point: You argue the drawdown in Iraq is because of Bush, so therefore you give no credit to President Obama, yet would you argue that Solyndra and Gunwalking (i.e. Fast & Furious) are Obama's fault eventhough both began and advanced under Bush and were stopped by the Obama White House?

    As for the UBS crimes, your first instinct is to blame Obama! What a joke, Here it began in 2004 and involved hundreds of dummy off-shore corporations being created where Billions of dollars were moved for the next 4 years but that's Obama's fault because the Rich Job Creators knew a Kenyan Marxist
    was coming and they wanted to save their money!

    So keep on with your Ron Paul dreams and I'll keep on supporting President Obama who isn't perfect but has absorbed much more vitriol and has done a good job.

  15. "I'd answer your question if your comments didn't indicate you argue in bad faith or are being purposefully obtuse."
    Gene- I'm sorry you feel that way. I thought we were just debating.
    Feel free to vote for Obama. I won't hold it against you, I'm just trying to understand what people like about him, that's all. But the thread is getting long, and I see you got a new post which looks interesting. But I would like to answer a few things, to show that I'm not dull, or obtuse.

    "Case in point: You argue the drawdown in Iraq is because of Bush, so therefore you give no credit to President Obama"

    I don't argue that Bush is responsible for troop withdrawal. It's a fact brother. I don't give Obama credit, because all he did was follow an agreement signed by Bush. This is from Wikipedia.
    "All US Forces were mandated to withdraw from Iraqi territory by 31 December 2011 under the terms of a bilateral agreement signed in 2008 by President Bush. The U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was completed on 18 December 2011 early Sunday morning."

    "yet would you argue that Solyndra and Gunwalking (i.e. Fast & Furious) are Obama's fault eventhough both began and advanced under Bush and were stopped by the Obama White House?"

    You are wrong about Solyndra. Again from Wikipedia.
    "Solyndra's loan approval process began under the Bush administration. However, emails show that two weeks before Obama took office, the Energy Dapartment panel considering the loan unanimously decided not to proceed. In March 2009, one White House budget analyst wrote an email stating that "This deal is NOT ready for prime time."[19] However, Solyndra was the first company approved for a loan guarantee under the Obama administration.[20] On March 20, 2009 the United States Department of Energy made a "conditional commitment" to a $535 million loan guarantee to support Solyndra's construction of a commercial-scale manufacturing plant for its proprietary solar photovoltaic panels.[21] The White House scheduled a press event for September 4 and federal reviewers gave final approval on September 2.[22] After securing the loan guarantee, the Federal Financing Bank, a part of the Department of the Treasury, loaned Solyndra $527 million.[23] The taxpayers are not expected to recover much of that money.[24]
    I will agree to the fact that Bush signed an energy bill in '05 that went hand and hand with Obama's stimulus package which allowed the 500 Million dollar loan. Yes Bush planted the seeds, but Obama poured a lot of water on it. And I wouldn't give Obama credit for stopping it, because nothing was stopped. The company took the money, went belly up, FBI steps in, and now the tax payers are out that money.

    Fast and furious? Yeah it was the Obama administration that over saw this. But, I will definitely agree that Bush was involved with the illegal gun trade as well. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that every president since Reagan has been involved with some illegal arms shit.

    Finally, I'm not blaming Obama for UBS crimes. I simply made a statement which in pure fact. Obama appointed advisers to his financial team that are directly linked to America's financial collapse. Yes, so did Bush.
