Sunday, February 5, 2012

Arizona Republican White Power! Celebrate the White Man's Burden

“It’s not wrong to use race or other indicators for the sake of identifying that people are violating the law. Ccommon sense indicators, are all kinds of things, from what kind of clothes people wear — my suit, in my case — what kind of shoes people wear, what kind of accent they have, um, the, the type of grooming they might have, there are all kinds of indicators there and sometimes it’s just a sixth sense and they can’t put their finger on it.” - Representative Peter King Republicon tells the US House only whitey's like him wear suits.
Arizona banned Ethnic Studies in 2010 under HB 2281. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne has stated the reason for the ban, "This is consistent with the fundamental American value that we are all individuals, not exemplars of whatever ethnic groups we were born into."

The bill was passed mainly because of Horne's personal distaste for the Tuscon Unified School District's Chicano studies program, especially after he allegedly heard a teacher say, 'Republicans hate Latinos.' Thus, while Tom Horne is a bigot who hates Lation, Hispanics and Chicanos, his reasoning is also ignorant, self-serving and wrong and it is incontrovertible that Republicans hate all minorities.

Here in Chicago we celebrate Casimir Pulaksi Day. All across Cook County government offices are closed, Chicago Public Schools, the Chicago Public Library, Springfield Public Schools, and Illinois state-wide public and private schools are closed as well. Wisconsin (the whole state) also closes on Pulaski Day. According to Bigot Horne, Illinois school districts are inconsistent with American Values for honoring a foreigner.

Arizona Rushpublicans went further in their White Hot Rage as Jan Finger Waging Brewer created the Papers, please max schnell Law! Where Police and other officials are required to demand identification from someone who doesn't look like an *cough* brown skin *cough* American.

So, now Flushed with White Power & Pride, Rushpublican State Representative Cecil Ash has called for a Special Day to celebrate White People.

Ash is a twitter fan of Glenn Beck and it's no surpirse that Beck's stable of putridly evil, violently stupid ignorant trash find this to be a good idea Ash himself is an ignorant racist birther Ass:
Cecil Ash: Well Anderson I think there’s been a lot of controversy over the issue. It’s created a division among a lot of people in the United States and for better or worse many people don’t believe he’s a U.S. citizen. They believe he has loyalties… ah… divided loyalties I suppose you could say.

Anderson Cooper: But those people are wrong. He is a U.S. citizen.

Cecil Ash: Well, you’re telling me that he’s wrong. I’ve never investigated that. If he is then he has nothing to fear.

Anderson Cooper: But I mean, the information is out there. It has been released. It has been shown. There are some people who don’t believe it, but there are also some people who believe that the moon is made out of cheese and you can say you’ve never investigated it but I think you would probably say to them the moon is not made out of cheese.ased. It has been shown. There are some people who don’t believe it, but there are also some people who believe that the moon is made out of cheese and you can say you’ve never investigated it but I think you would probably say to them the moon is not made out of cheese.
First, the Republicon scum declared their intracable determination to never work with President Obama. After that statement they all declared that Obama is divisive.

The 1960's are over. Cecil Ass and the bigots and racists who compirse who comprise a majority of the voters for the Republicon Party will never acknowledge Civil Rights and are involved in an enormous push-back. With over 30 years of total support from the Republicon Party and the Right Wing propaganda machines and the creation of the Astro-Turfed Tea Party the Racist Right are feeling empowered to foist the Alternate Conservative Reality back onto the Nation.


  1. Let the Republicans go on and on with their ignorant and racist policies that discriminate against Latinos. Juan and Jaunita are popping out more future voters than Fred and Wilma...

    Didn't know you were in Chicago.

  2. It slays me that there is still a large percentage of voters/citizens that believe this crap. It makes me sad, then very angry as the rest of the world sees this ignorance and
