Friday, January 13, 2012

Gold Showers on the EGA

"A fate worse than a fate worse than death... Sounds pretty bad." ~ Blackadder IV
The images and video of US Marines urinating on the corpses of (Al Qaeda? Taliban? Unidentified Pashtun Tribesmen?) has elicited the standard reaction of outrage and condemnation from the SecDef, Commandant of Marine Corps, Secretary of State and put into motion a full NCIS investigation of the video and every possible Marine involved from Camp Lejeune. This incident is rapidly degenerating into the Torture "Debate", wherein the Right-Wingers defend something completely wrong because our "enemies" do bad things thereby making it okay. Mainly because conservatives have no compunction about being evil.

Personally, I never understood how it was fine to kill someone but, the follow on act of "desecrating" their bodies was then deemed the actual violation of the Rules of War. This is no doubt because I am not a gentleman.

Marines should know War is a gentleman's pursuit because every new recruit is taught Marine Corps Officers back in the 19th century wore a Barracks Cover with the Quatrefoil embossed on top. Officers were deemed not-legitimate targets for sniper fire and had to have a distinguishing mark on top of their cover to inform snipers of their non-targetable status.

Other ridiculous Rules of War have been tried over the centuries, the infamous Vatican decision in 1139 the crossbow was too deadly a weapon and could not be used, except on Muslims. All the way down to the the Geneva Conventions of the 20th Century.

The currently accepted Geneva Conventions (Right-Wingers orgasmic love of torture notwithstanding) are really a way Large Armies can fixate and maximize their advantage over small armies. Only a foolish military commander would follow rules of war which ensure his destruction. The moment Al Qaeda begins to mass large troop concentrations for a pitched battle is the moment they are obliterated. Such a concentration, training grounds, depot, armory, motor pool would be spotted and targeted with a massive amount of airpower.

Our enemies would be exceedingly stupid to follow the Rules of War.

This latest incident won't change much. Besides not getting the slap-in-the-face Good Conduct Medal, these Marines will be punished for their crimes, but what can never be brought up is that War itself is a Crime. Jingoistic War Profiteers and Chicken Hawks make too much money off of war. It doesn't matter that War breaks minds and bodies, plenty more were they came from, but don't make the War look bad.

Thus the Afghan War will continue for a few more years (or 4 more years if Mitt Romney steals into the White House) and new Wars will be hatched by the Establishment and the 99% will suffer all the costs, fiscal, physical and mental for the profit of the 1%.

Golden Shower aficionado Dana Loesch, the St Louis Tea Party spawn of Andrew Breitbart, spoke on her radio show and declared "I want a million cool points for these guys" and "I'd drop trou and do it too..."

Loesch is given air time on CNN regularly and was deeply involved in the baseless smear campaign of the two University of Missouri-Kansas City teachers Judy Ancel and Don Giljum. And as for her "I'd drop trou and do it too..." line I don't remember ever seeing her skinny chicken hawk ass on the yellow footprints let alone in Afghanistan.

Related 2:
It is easy to tell when an action is absolutely wrong because all the right-wing, never served a day jingoistic chicken hawks come out in support of the action. Cowardly warmonger Mark Levin declared "count me in as staunch supporter" of the pissing Marines.

Related 3:
Now you can be absolutely sure the action is wrong, criminal and evil because Representative Allen West (known for torturing innocent Iraqis and trying to intimidate Congresswomen) has declared, “As for everyone else, unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell.” Yes, Congressman West how about reading the Bill of Rights.

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