Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Immediately Pepper Spray and Waterboard Megyn Kelley, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain

"You have no idea."
"We have no idea..." - We Were Soldiers
So, just like with Torture, Faux News and Republicans are attempting to create a doubt about Oleoresin Capsicum, commonly referred to as Pepper Spray.

Megyn Kelly and Bill O'Reilly had a nice back and forth wherein they tut-tuted anyone who would try to monday-morning quarterback police actions. As I've posted years ago, I will never question a Officer's split-second heat of the moment decision when faced with a dynamic situation, but the images of Lt. Pike walking back and forth, and in the best tradition of the Inquisition showing his intended victims the instruments of their torture, before unloading a huge container of OC Spray does not qualify.
However, Megyn Kelly then proceeded to tell Bill O'Reilly “It’s a derivative of actual pepper, it’s a food product, essentially. A lot of experts are looking at saying is that the real deal. Has it been diluted?” O’Reilly, thinking that the product used on the students wasn’t too severe, said, “They should have had more of a reaction, than that!”
As a Police Officer and Marine Corps Veteran I have experienced OC Spray, the Taser and gone through the Marine Corps gas chamber multiple times. Why is it ignorant Republicans and clueless Rightwingers feel empowered to speak about things with which they have no experience?

In one of the interminable Republican debates, Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann declared their full support for the continued practice of Water boarding, i.e. Torture. But, unlike the military she seeks to lead as Commander-in-Chief, Bachmann declared "It would be stupid for the the President [i.e. her] to be water boarded!"

Well, to the Honorable Mrs. Bachmann, you are on the House Select Committee for Intelligence, as a precaution you need to experience SERE school and water boarding in order to know who to resist it. And Mr. Cain you under suspicion of potential crimes, in order to fully ascertain what you did and did not do, you need to undergo water boarding. After all if you have nothing to hide...

So, just like with torture, Faux News is creating a cloud of utter bullshit to dupe their viewers. Faux News viewers, a group so misinformed and deluded, they are worse off than those who watch no news at all.


  1. Yeah tell that bullshit to the people who were sprayed...including the woman who miscarried two days later. Which of course FAUX, et al are spinning was not related.

  2. jadedj, It's part of the crap that is Faux News, "tide goes in, tide goes out. You can't explain it."

    Pepper spray doesn't hurt, "it's a food product essentially..."

    By feeding false information to their large ignorant and inexperienced viewership, they implant a new style of learning which is so entrenched as to make Fox Viewers adamant believers.

    We are fair and balanced...
    We are fair and balanced...
    We are fair and balanced...
    We are fair and balanced...
    We are fair and balanced...
    We are fair and balanced...

  3. Keep insulting the largest viewing audience in the country with respect to news, specifically Fox News. You're sure to convince them with your superior intellect. What audacity.

  4. Thanks for coming over Rational Nation USA.

    Again you prove me correct that you bow and scrap to Authority as long as it is the authority you choose to be subservient to!

    The "audacity" is yours, sir, for claiming the large viewing size of Faux News somehow confers upon them legitimacy.

    It is akin to you claiming that islam is correct, just and awesome because such as a large number of people adhere to it.
