Monday, April 5, 2010

***Conservative Terror Alert - Remains High***

"That's because of the Tea Party movement, all these Tim McVeigh wannabes." ~ Sean Hannity urges Tea Baggers to blow up buildings in the United States and murder Americans, 04/01/10.

Proud Chicken Hawk, puffy-faced, never missed collecting a paycheck from the government, never done a real days worth of work Conservative Terrorist Erick Erickson threatens to shoot Government Workers no wonder Erickson hates Cops and wishes harm upon Police Officers.

But, it's not like Conservative Doctors are refusing to treat patients or anything.

Conservatives want violence, Conservatives want upheaval, Conservatives hate America and want to see Americans die.

Conservatism is Terrorism...


  1. ... in the fevered imaginings of left wing wackadoos.

  2. The actual inflammatory words of punk ass bitches like Hannity and Erickson are imaginary...

  3. Oooh! Inflammatory words!!!

  4. give them hell because they certainly deserve it

  5. The Fiddle actually provides good information for Liberals to reflect upon.

    Never forget conservatives like him declared any verbal disagreement with the Bush was tantamount to aiding the terrorists and deserved beatings from police and imprisonment.

    Never forget that conservatives declared questioning a needless evil war founded on lies and flawed premises pushed ceaselessly by Fox and the Republican Party was treason in a time of war.

    Never forget that when the conservatives lost power they declared their intent to shoot, bomb, and kill Liberals when the conservatives continue to lose elections.

    The Terrorists succeeded on 9/11 with their heinous actions and caused the Right Wing to go insane and embrace and become Terrorists.

  6. Great irony south of you Gene. An idiot who lives in our Veterans Home in my town wrote a letter to the editor bitching about government health care and mooches that rely on the government. But in his mind I'm sure he thought what he was getting from the government was different.
